Tilted Coaster

  • Rating: 3.9

Reviews and comments

    chandie 22 Feb 2006, 17:15


    Nothing to do, just beat some blue ghosts, and a boss. Nothing else. The idea of the roller coaster is very good, i know the idea isn’t the author’s but there’s not much to review except the idea.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    fearofdark 5 Feb 2006, 10:59 (edited 5 Feb 06, 12:37)


    What am I doing reviewing this early in the morning??

    Eyecandy 15/20

    You have the same nice eyecandy as the example level on Gus’ tileset. Would of scored 17 but please, DONT BE LAZY.

    Gameplay 4/20

    Just enemies, a boss and something to keep you on the coaster.

    Enemies 8/20

    You could have used something other than monsters. But there is a robot boss at the end.

    Items 0/20

    No Items…….

    Size 12/20

    Well, It is big but when you are playing it, you cant control yourself.

    No Bonusses

    Total Score 39/100

    Rating 4

    Final Comment


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    Ischa 5 Feb 2006, 12:06

    Oh, dear!

    I’ve forget the bonusses! I’ll put them immediately!


    Jarno vos 5 Feb 2006, 12:14

    Oh, dear!
    You have stolen the idea of gus!!

    DennisKainz 10 Feb 2006, 17:15 (edited 22 Apr 06, 15:25 by Fquist)

    I rated it 10 for 3 reasons:

    First: You are my best friend on J2O.
    Second: You are a good level maker.
    Third: You used MY tileset:-P

    (Unsupported/biased rating removal. The downloads FAQ states that you should “Try to be impartial and fair when rating levels”. ~Violet)
    (To clarify more: You should not base your rating on how much you like a person and wether that person has used your tileset or not. These are not objective means of deciding how high the quality of a file is. – FQuist)

    Ok, Fquist. I’ll do like you want.

    I rate this level 8 because i think it’s a suitable rating for a level with so many enemies and with the robot boss at end.

    [Inappropiate rating (8) removal. You have not provided a single reason why this is good. I can make a thousand enemies in a level that is worth an 1, and you’d rate it an 8? “Many enemies” is not a good reason. To be clear: I’m not saying this level is bad. You need to give good, clear reasons, and you’re not giving those in any of your reviews. – FQuist]

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