50 second fight

  • Rating: 7.3

Reviews and comments

    SpZ 7 Feb 2006, 11:29


    Nice idea, but levels are too flat. There should be platforms, mountains… Jazz is platform game! “Compuet Voyager” has nice belts on top, and I think is most interesting and fun level. In Fan-tasic background (Achtergrund XD) is so psychodelic (cables to waterfall or what the heck is this).
    But just like I saying, idea is good, but needs more work.

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    Donda97 16 Jul 2006, 12:15 (edited 5 Sep 06, 08:52)


    Extremely Good the Rain of gems was good I kept freezing my sister and taking her gems extremely good

    Download Recomended

    Game Play. what is the rain is the rain! THe Freezing Ammo let me kept freezing my Sister Lori98 and boom taking her gems. rate 7.0

    Eyecandy, Not bad or good either. just fine rating edit:you used layers 34,8 in a proper way for making a goodies raining raining machine in funhotel thyis is the most part goody likes 5.0

    The ityems were worth I fighted for gems with them however the gems were regenerating (oh-oh)4.0

    rating 7.5

    [Actually he is. ~Cooba]
    Opps!THanks for remiding

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    chet208 7 Mar 2006, 23:43


    Nice, but it’s to flat and the idea is realy good and original, But i think the level could use some un-flat surfaces. And Its a good level.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Ischa 23 Jul 2006, 14:46 (edited 23 Jul 06, 17:19 by Cooba)

    Rating 50 second fight:

    To start:
    In these five levels you will play with a new type Treasure Hunt: 50 second fight!

    Five levels:
    In five levels it is the intention to catch 100 gems within 50 seconds. If none of both succeeds, the floor collapses and then must there the someone rapidly gems catch, before the other one does it.

    Special events:
    In all the five levels there are a number of events. With the events you can deserve extra gems. Original considered, say! Congratulations! And oh, yes… in the Level Description stands which events all levels have…

    There is unfortunately a number of shortcomings. First: the eyecandy in level 5 is very bad, because everyone who cannot against of epileptic attacks (such as my brother Peter) is that a very worse level.
    We discovered it too late and Peter lies now in bed. The chamber has entirely darkened, he has a lot of water and my mother must call the doctor…
    Moreover it is not also honest as everyone has more than 100 gems and after the 50 seconds the the one with the lowest number of gems nevertheless picks up the win…

    Although we have delighted our a lot on this game, we only advise these levels for everyone whom has no charge of epileptic attacks and which it does not find terrible that the player with the lowest number of gems wins…

    Mark: 5,9
    Download recommendation: N/A

    [Rating (5.9) clearance. You downrated the level basing just upon the fact that it’s bad for people suffering from epilepsy. It’s not the author’s fault, as the game manual advises epileptic people not to play this game. ~Cooba]

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