Ischa's Mine

  • Rating: 5.8

Reviews and comments

    fearofdark 14 Feb 2006, 17:49 (edited 17 Feb 06, 17:49)


    Yet another tileset by the tileset creator, Gus. This one is called Ischa’s mine.

    I’m not a tileset reviewer but I downloaded this because I wanted to check out a few tilesets and do a little reviewing.

    The colours in the tileset are mainly what you would find in a mine (brown, gold, grey ect.) You could do alot with this (creating a train like you did in an example level) and there is water but many other tiles are either rock or tiles that say Ischa rules.

    I think the backround is….well…rocky.

    Overall, the tileset is OK but lose the messages.

    Ischa: Don’t blow it.

    I’ve lowered your rating. The other half of the train is missing.

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    Galavant ! 19 Feb 2006, 09:59


    This Mine looks Average, because all is too simple, and it is monocolor tileset! Also background are bad, and disguising. Main layer are better, there are some eyecandy, but not enought. It not looks like real mine. Furthrmore, Author maked something like desert!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Donda97 1 Sep 2006, 14:45 (edited 5 Sep 06, 09:13)

    3Not recommended:

    Firstly, There is no gooding, you didn’t have to release it on the web It was Just for Ischa howeever It was not good.

    Eyecandy: None, well things for Ischa

    those comments were just for Ischa and you so you are supposed to send on e-mail adress thus this can’t be used even for a level without these comments because of the name think I gave 3 for this then rating 3.0

    *Comments:*Do not release for Just One User(Ischa). This can’t be used for a level



    [Rating (5) clearance. Feel free to edit this review with more support like I said in the PM. ~Cooba]

    Is this enough cooba?

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    DennisKainz 14 Mar 2006, 09:32

    Remember to rate it.

    Ischa 15 Mar 2006, 14:29 (edited 15 Mar 06, 16:02 by Fquist)

    Rating ‘Ischa’s Goldmine’:



    1. No punishments (+0.2)
    2. Example level (+0.1)
    3. You are my best friend: (+½)
    4. Everything that I needed was in this tileset. (+0.2)


    Final Rating: 10.0
    Download recommendation: Yes

    [Inappropiate rating removal. You have been told a countless times to stop favouring people you know, as well to stop doing several other things like rating the example levels. You have not stopped. I have revoked your site privileges. Please listen to the staff next time. – FQuist]

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