Yes, how to start? Hmm… Boring stuff first I guess. The level looks great, and it sure looks a bit better than version one. (thats all for eyecandy review)
It’s great. It’s easy to move around, but not too easy…
Learning time
You can learn this in no time. Mostly that’s because it is a quite small level. There is nothing I hate as much as big/too hard to learn levels.
Powerup placement
The powerups are practically placed, in places where it’s never safe to go. If you go to the ones in the left corner you risk getting cornered byt your persuaded and killed since its a bit dead endish (which is good :)). The seeker powerup is placed close to a major campspot, so it’s never safe to go to it.
Pick ups
I find myself not running out of ammo here, which rocks.
Carrot placement
Fair, and it can be camped, but there are many ways of coumtering the camping. And carrotcamping isn’t much of a problem in 2on2s, and duels are unimportant, so….
Nice basearea, open so you can be attacked, and have a hard time dodging, but still not so hard that you get killed immidiatly as soon as you are around base.
The way to run from base to base is good too, as there are 2 ways that are asbout as quick and a longer one… adds lots of tactics too it, as fast kills are really fun to do.
Tactical areas
There are no spaces in the level which you don’t have any use for. Good good good. I wonder if it’s just dumb luck, it a great sense of levelmaking.
Final score
I can’t find anything I’d like to change about the level, it’s awesome, and I played a lot of games in the last version of it, and so I will continue now. It is a action paced level with good ammo supplies and tactical areas – just the way I want it. Ideal for 2on2’s which is my favourite game mode.