The “Normal” version of this pack was an attrocious exercise in futility, with terrible eyecandy, design, and event layout. In fact, the only thing it had going for it was the at-times funny, but mostly annoying intercom system esque text. This version axes that aspect completely, which means that the pack has to survive on it’s other “qualities”(if they can be called such).
The level design hasn’t changed much, however the pit now has exit-warps. In fact that’s most notable change. Every other change is the addition of enemies off the wazoo.
Instead of a normal sucky level, we now have an attrocious heap of filth that’s sure to destroy your spacebar (Winner’s Hint: Play as spaz and just sidekick/buttstomp to save on keyboards). Excellent. And by Excellent, I mean “Not Excellent”.
Finally, the Boss Arena is still bland, and instead of an incredibly easy lame boss battle with Bilsy, it’s just lame. Oh, and the Eyecandy is still lame has heck.
No DR. With no more intercom, and twice as many chances to kill a spacebar, I see no reason why anyone should download this version.