10 Apr 2006, 19:40
OM2004 seems to be stuck in an eternal time loop in a time before Jazz Jackrabbit Advance, and Shadow the Hedgehog(for the life of me, I have no idea what the genre the songs in that game are). But then he contradicts me, and must also live in a future where 20 seconds is the equivilent of 20 minutes. This can only mean one thing: OM2004 DOES NOT EXIST IN OUR NORMAL TIME STREAM
While I do agree the beat repeated itself a bit too much, I also have to point out that there isn’t much source material to work with, and at 3 minutes long the tune doesn’t feel too repetive. The lyrics and how they’re ‘sung’ give a distinct “Shadow” feel, but without the overly cheesy lyrics the Sega game had (“No more life, No more death” comes to mind from that game).
If you didn’t enjoy SoH’s soundtrack, I’d stray away from this, but if you enjoyed it or are curious go ahead and click that download button.
Yay! Pollutus!!
What do you think of when you think about Jazz Jackrabbit for the GBA? Is it fun gameplay? A good story? Or maybe awesomely awesome music? What’s that? None of the above?! Well… Maybe this will change your mind about its music. Then again, maybe it won’t.
Song Analysis:
IT’S…TOO…LOUD!! Dear lord, man! Towards the middle and end, it actually starts to crackle and buzz because you cranked it up so loud!
Anyhoo… If there was one thing I could say about this track outright, is that this really…brings the tainted atmosphere and polluted areas of Pollutus to life. While the GBA track was kind of lightweight and only just barely fitting to the area, this track is dark, deep, and I dare say even cold and metallic. Just like it should be.
The lyrics in the start don’t really add much, but they don’t take away anything, either. I can’t tell what they’re saying, but I don’t think it matters much either way.
Sample Analysis:
Like I said, areas of the song are a little too loud, but that’s probably more your fault(if you amplified it) than the sample, which sound good seperate, and terrific together.
Final Analysis:
All and all, this hollow and ambient piece of music makes Pollutus seem far, far more deadly and all the more ominous than its original GBA predecessor. I can only hope more GBA remixes and arrangements like this come out.
Score: 7.2
“I Can Do Basic Math!” Points: 0.3
Total Score: 7.5
Absolutely. Especially if you didn’t like the original Jazz Jackrabbit GBA soundtrack. This will definately make you think twice.
The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene… Joseph Collins
“Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2
No, no no no, and no. That wasn’t cool at all.
The song took too long to download for the value of the song. The song repeated it’s beat way too much. It never had a climax, and has weird talking sound that was creapy. I know that you have listed the lyerics, but still it was just bad.
And I know you made it for the anniversary, but still this song has nothing to do with jazz at all! So i don’t even know why it’s on here.
So, thanks for the thought, but I don’t recommande this song to anyone.