WadlCury Easter

  • Rating: 7.2

Reviews and comments

    master sven 14 Apr 2006, 06:46 (edited 14 Apr 06, 08:40 by masterrokusho)


    Redjazz, I shouldn’t complain if I was you because you only made worse levels disfar.

    The eyecandy in this level is average in most of the level but there are a few cons. In the titles which are ground there are a lot of titles how dont belong there and make it ugly. Also wen i wanted to get the second 1up ( I think ) i had to get through a wall but the wall was at my background, use a foreground layer for that.

    Very nice gameplay, some original things.
    This is a really good job, guys.

    The ammo placement is good, but if were talking about enemy placement, they return very fast after you killed them.
    For instance if you fall the enemies you just killed are on your path again.

    The size might be a bit too big, but it doesn’t cares a lot.

    Eyecandy: 5.5
    Gameplay: 7.5
    Size: 6
    Bonus: +0.1 (story)
    FINAL GRADE: 6.5 (6.6)

    reaction on reaction
    Good doesn’t mean its perfect or very good. About that lizard shooting, ok i’ll take that back but the grade wont change by that.(look up)Also if you shoot them off their copters they fall automaticly too fast so you cant kill them.
    And by the way my pack needs reviews :P

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    LittleFreak 16 Apr 2006, 11:20 (edited 18 Apr 06, 10:29)


    “Yet another easter level” I thought when I clicked it in the download section. However, from the description it sounded like it was made a little more interesting than the bunch of other easter levels I’ve seen during the years. This one does actually have a concept.

    Gameplay: 7.5

    When I started playing, I figured this would be quite a fun little level to play. The objective is to deliver eggs to 20 baskets. You’re doing this, because the easter hare is either extremely lazy or has eaten a bad egg like stated in the readme (whichever you prefer). Everytime you fill one of the baskets, which are spread out around the whole level, you get a coin. Is the easter hare actually getting paid by now? Anyways. Nevermind. Maybe the reason for the sudden payment is that his job got more and more dangerous or something. Several evil turtles, lizards and similiar stuff await.. well, no, actually it’s only turtles and lizards, but they’re placed nicely so I don’t mind. Compared to the TSF easter levels the enemy placement is a big improvement.
    The level is quite big and has a lot of fun stuff to do. There are many goodies, and some nice secrets (oftentimes you’ll get crashed through walls at high speed while collecting stuff). To find all the baskets, you’ll have to explore the whole level. This can sometimes prove problematic, because it has some mazelike elements in it. At the end, I lacked two coins and had to go back searching for them. Even worse, some passages require freezer ammo, which I didn’t have. I found no more to collect, so I had to cheat to get through. This takes some of the fun away of an otherwise good level.

    Creativity: 7.5

    There are some very original elements, and some which are badly stolen from Cliffy’s levels. You’ll find platforms with strong winds you have to climb (even the warning sign is there!) and spring crates to push, but there are also some interesting puzzles involving springs and ice. Yes, these have been there too, but they don’t seem to be ripped off like the windy passage. And besides, there’s still the cool concept. Again, nothing groundbreaking, but it’s still quite fun.

    Eyecandy: 8.0

    Quite good, especially for a level that’s actually three years old already. I can’t agree with the master on this one. Yes, the misfitting tiles at the ground are there, but aren’t these in almost every level using the easter and carrotus tilesets? Besides, there are some rather nice features using the background layer that look really good, though these can be confusing if you can’t tell what’s solid and what’s not. Sometimes, the impression of Jazz changing between the sprite and background layer is given, an effect that can look awesome when done right. I don’t remember if the other two background layers were actually used, but might have been additions to layer 5, so I won’t decrease the score here. Just the foreground could have some more stuff in it, and the walls are a little bland. Still, good work has been done here.


    This is a fun little level with some good ideas behind it (and some which are badly copied). It’s surely worth the download if you’re looking for something to entertain you for 15 minutes (or longer, depending on your skills at egg delivering).

    Final Rating: 7.5, download recommendation


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    gam-ie 23 Apr 2006, 15:21


    hi, your level is good, but the ammo returns to fast. eyecandy is good, because it seems so “full”
    but, some ideas in the level are “copied”. maybe you must think over a very, special level.

    i give it an 7.5

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    mortalspaz 28 Jul 2009, 06:27

    For crying out loud! Don’t listen to them “convert to 1.23”. If you wanna play it download TSF already!

    Evil Hare (aka) General 13 Apr 2006, 16:31

    I will review the level but its not in 1.23. Can you convert it to that version? thnx.

    HorvatM 13 Apr 2006, 16:58

    No fear! You’re copying me! I already released Easter Redpack!

    Oh, too bad it’s for TSF.

    WadlCury 13 Apr 2006, 17:06 (edited 17 Apr 06, 20:44)

    No, we’re not copying you, RedJazz, we’ve been working on this for years, and besides, it’s an entirely different concept.

    No, there aren’t generators on them. I think you must have shot the floating lizards out of sight (they’ll have fallen through the bridge), so they would reappear again, because you haven’t killed them.
    About what you said about gameplay: if it’s good, why a 7.5 and not a 9 or so? No cons?

    I(carrotpie speaking) don’t know Cliffy’s lvls. I’d never played them. And BTW, if you lack 2 coins, did you found the bucket above the starting position? I mean, the ‘easter hare’ has to pay all the eggs, not? =P

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    ThunderPX 13 Apr 2006, 18:07

    Wow, so everyone making an easter level is ripping you off? That seems kind of harsh. Besides, according to that logic, you’re ripping off TSF.