Well for me it dosn’t say “unsupported level file 2.03, this level cannot be loaded” the level works on my comp.
THe level:It’s pretty big, has a bunch of houses, a pinball Game thing,a rollercoaster(sucker tube),lake,some weird cave, and a resturant and some other stuff.
Eyecandy: kinda good,the rain drops are hypnotizing though,it has nice big carrots in the back ground.
Music:I think the music suited the level good.It was sorta wonder landish tho.
Items: lots of them, even though thhere in 1 spot.
gameplay: not many, but in the pin ball thing it is a differnt story.
Idea of level: i think you could have kinda coppied this level from a friend of mine. And i uploaded that level.And it’s called super town ,uses labrat tileset (now deleated).It had pretty much the same stuff that your level had + more.1 thing super town didn’t have was houses for fear off dark, birdie, gus and someother dudes.
I give it a rating of 6.5, 6.5 = kind good
Why? well just read above
What the level can inprove on:
Well the level can be more origanal, and mybe have some secert fighting zone with bad guys to kill (not the areana). I like killing badguys (particulary when there is a point to it like: to finish the level,or compleat a task,or just to blast to the end)
overall: the level is kinda good ( thats why it’s rated 6.5)