labrat battle warps

  • Rating: 2.8

Reviews and comments

    master sven 26 Apr 2006, 06:54

    2.5Not recommended:

    I think you don’t have to put a readme with just a single level in this upload.


    This is the same as your previous level.
    I don’t know who said to you that you can’t make single player levels, but the reviewers didn’t.
    You will do this in single and in multiplayer. Play your levels yourself, look at your background. We don’t have cracks in the sky on earth, do we.
    Look more carefully at which titles you use. Also the ground were you’re standing on doesn’t has edges, its just the middle of a platform at a edge.


    The Gameplay is better than in your first level, but still needs a lot of attention. There are only 2 little rooms in the level where you can fight and in one there is none bottom and you warp back to the other.


    Only bouncher and toaster crates.
    You could have put some more single bullets in there and also a power up.


    The size is still too small, look at other people’s levels and see how they made them.

    EYECANDY: 1.5
    GAMEPLAY: 3.0
    SIZE: 2.5

    FINAL GRADE: 2.5

    TIP: Don’t put all your levels here, look or they are good enough.
    Also, im Dutch, so if you don’t get anything from this review just PM me.

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    chet208 26 Apr 2006, 23:25

    3Not recommended:

    Eyecandy:ugh…Not very good. The worst pert of the eye candy is the platforms.The platforms don’t realy have a end, it’s just the middle.Also you can tell that this level was rushed from the bad eyecandy or just that gam-ie is just bad at eyecandy.I can tell that gam-ie used the same tiles over and over in the same way.

    Gameplay: warp warp warp warp warp warp every where,which is kind of anoying. Theres not much game play at all in this level.

    Item placement: theres not much of an avraity of weapons in this level. Just 2 types of weapons and 1 max weapon.

    Size:It’s so small. Try playing this level with lots of players, and you’ll find out a problem.

    Score:3.0 = bad

    Improvements: Make the level bigger,more types of weapons,mybe less warps, and better eyecandy. And next time you build a level let somebody test it for you, beacause they will notice if it is cheapy (unless they are very bad at jj2 level making)So try again. And don’t rush (if gam-ie did rush)

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    leole 27 Apr 2006, 14:44 (edited 27 Apr 06, 20:38 by Fquist)

    at the first rate i think it`s a very intense level with al the warps(wich is good,i like intens)
    the ammo plcement is only once appearing,so it`s an get-it-or-never-get-it situation
    my opinion:worth an 8

    [Unsupported (8) rating removal. You have not specified any reason the level is good besides it being “intens” (intense). Your review is barely readable. Please provide more detail in your reviews as to why the level is good. Rate all aspects of the level – eyecandy, gameplay, ammo/enemy placement, etcetera. – FQuist]

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