Well, this is a Mario-style episode. It hasn’t got ratings so I’m going to rate it.
Good, nothing special. Animations are standard Mario animations. The ground in the Intro level is pretty annoying, because there are too much blocks and they are all cracked and brown. I also hate the coins. Why haven’t you made JJ2 coins? :-D
What are Suckers doing in the castle? And why are there monkeys? Enemies are annoying, for example Rapiers in the last level. The boss is Devil Devan, too hard I think. The episode ends just like Mario, the princess says ‘Thank you for rescuing me’.
Where the heck did you get the tilesets? You used them good, except the ground in Intro.
Hard. I even had to cheat – because of the lava. The three pipes (red, green and blue) are stupid, because of the ‘hurt room’.
Final rating: 6.5
Download recommendation: If you like Mario and challenging levels.
It was a long time since i played a super mario-level. Here’s my review:
Just an ordinary intro level, you walk a little bit and then you get to a castle and read a textstring. The Eyecandy was good, its looks very uch like Super Mario :p. There is a secret place were you can find a toaster powerup and a LOT of toaster ammo. I think its a little too much, it would have been better if it just wasa the ammo or the powerup. The story is quite fun because you help bowser.
Level 2:
This was a really big level and it took quite much time to finnish. The enemies are used good, especially the bats in some places.
The Eyecandy was quite good, the background was just black and that was a little boring. The first thing I notised was the coins. They fit quite good to the rest of the eyecandy but you overused them a bit.
The level was quite hard and thats good because I like hard levels.
Level 3:
Just a small level with some enemies which ends up with a bossfight. I think the boss (devan) is too easy because all you have to do is to push a button and then you win.
Final rating: 7
I’ve heard a lot of Super Mario but never actually played it myself. So I don’t whether this pack has eyecandy like the origional or has almost the same gameplay. I’ll rate anyway:
Is just a basic intro level. You walk for a few seconds then bump into some characters and a text screen. The end is hiding in some tubes you walk into after. There is a secret full of items in the intro level to make in fun-ish. But those are the only items in the level.
This level was a lot longer than any of the other levels in this pack. There was origional gameplay in this level but some ideas were pointless. There were coins you couldn’t pick up and some crates were positioned when you could have done with them earlier. There was eyecandy bugs in some places and there wasn’t really much to explore. You just stuck to a main path for most of the time. The level was also easy. There were extra lives in places too close to the main path that were not guarded in any way. The level takes you to an underground castle.
Is very small and has very few items again. There is a huge gap between the amount of items and the amount of enemies. The level ends with a boss….a very easy one. All you do is jump over the boss and walk over to a switch. That opens a door which ends the pack.
The origional Mushromm Kingdom music and Castle music used in Mario (I think) And a file i’m not sure where it came from. +0.2
Mario conversions. One of them is good and that is the mushroom kingdom. +0.1
BONUS: 0.3
DOWNLOAD: N/A (Yes requires 7)
A reasonable Mario episode. Could have been longer.