It was in early 2003 that Link wanted to make his own tileset. He drew some interesting tubes and blocks in various colours and a nice mini layer 6/7 background with mountains and a lake. Together we created some waterfalls in different colours, a set of destruct/etc blocks and some ground tiles with ugly grass. I added a green textured background, some basic stuff and a set of letters. This tileset was branded as “C4”. However, the tileset lacked a real theme and both of us were pretty demotivated to continue working on it.
One day in late 2004/early 2005, I got the idea to make a well-structured, self-drawn cave tileset. I drew the basic set of cave tiles, but after that, dropped the project (lack of motivation, I didn’t really have any nice ideas for eye candy in the tileset).
When I was looking for new tilesets to use, I realised I had two unfinished projects lying around (C4 and C7). I combined them, changed the textured background from green to blue and called the new project “River of Dreams”. I added a lot of newly drawn tiles, and just before the tileset was finished, I renamed it to “Riverside Camping Site”.