
  • Rating: 8.5

Reviews and comments

    Stilettø Posted more than 21 years ago


    This Level is realy cool Great eyecandy

    Go And Download Now
    [This review has been edited by Stilettø]

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    Assassin Posted more than 21 years ago


    I agree with Stilleto
    great level
    good tileset and much eyecandy
    I like this one

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    Stijn Posted more than 21 years ago


    This is a great level. It uses a tileset which has some great graphics and it’s very well masked. Altough it isn’t really new. It’s more a v2.0 of an older tileset from wimster (download the level “JKM bat/ctf” for more =). The battle level is very large, maybe a bit too large, but that doesn’t really matter. The weapons/ayecandy/events selection is also good. I think this is a very high download recommendation!

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    Newspaz Posted more than 21 years ago


    This level rocks =) I like it a lot.. Lot’s to explore.

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    gokudbz Posted more than 21 years ago


    It is a nice lvl


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    aiko Posted more than 21 years ago


    “Jumpfun” is a pretty cool pack containing a “new” tileset of more than 320 very useful tiles and a great (example) battle level.
    The tileset is more an update to the author’s first tileset release, but it’s really worth it. The author removed the silly, not really fitting images of those japanese pocket monsters and added some very good looking stuff like stuctures of a house, walls, wooden bridges and the like. I couldn’t find the promised “fast cars and women”…but well, those tents are still great also :-)
    The masking is very exact, too. Good work, wimster.
    The “Jumpfun” archive file also includes a battle level. The design and eyecandy are both just great. The map is full of lovely details and step by step, you’ll discover them all.
    As Flash already mentioned, the “Jumpfun” level is way too large. In a battle, you’ll have to search your enemies for a while.
    Apart from that the other minor downfall i found is that the “freeze” music doesn’t fit too good. I’d prefer custom music for custom tilesets.

    To conclude my hymn, i’ll recommend EVERYONE TO DOWNLOAD THiS Level/Tileset pack RiGHT NOW!

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    Spazzyman Posted more than 21 years ago


    Its a great level with a great tileset, gotta luv the eyecandy, the only downpart is that its kind of full, like, lotta objects, and i have claustrophobia! but the levels neat. U deserver this 8.7

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    King Cold Posted more than 21 years ago


    I like it.

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    White Rabbit Posted more than 21 years ago


    What can I say? I’m quite impressed wimpster. :-) The tileset literally rocks and you’ve used it very well. Althought the whole lvl doesn’t seem to be a proper battle area, it’s still quite fun and you really have to jump a lot to get to places. It’s got very nice eye candy and the background is beautiful.

    Now, this is a BIG lvl and I don’t like BIG lvls but because of the esy navigation and well placed platforms, it won’t take time until ya find yer enemies. The really bad part of this is that the weapons placement is quite scattered and it will take a long time until you find any useful weapon at all and even longer until you get 50x of it.

    Because of the weapons placement, ppl who is unfamiliar with the lvl will fight mostly with the good old fashioned blaster and there are no power ups and fast fires either.

    Although it isn’t much for a battle lvl, it can be quite fun exploring the lvl, shooting doors, and swimming.

    The reason that I give this an pretty high rating of 8.5 is because of the great eye candy and easy navigation. Next time wimpster, add some powerups and more ammo huh?

    I strongly recommend downloading this.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]

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    >CelL< Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ah yes, another Tip upload! This is realy one of the beter levels out there. Its actuely a litle boring, but thats cuz every JKM member hosts it these days:-P. The weapen placement is very well balenced. The tileset is also nice. Those silly and useless pokemon things have been removed, and some new tiles have been added. I recomend downloading this.


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    Super Saiyan Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ah…its a Ok lvl..eyecandy is great also…only this lvl misses something…but i dont know what.
    HmMmMmMm…[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]

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    joey Posted more than 21 years ago


    its a very good level


    (Marquee removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    >Elrick< Posted more than 21 years ago


    ,,kewl’‘ level,eyecandy is very good neigher..weapon placement-perfect ;) As CelL said: ,,litle boring, but thats cuz every JKM member hosts it ‘’,agree with it :)

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    wimster Posted more than 21 years ago

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