More Random Battle Levels

  • Rating: 7.8

Reviews and comments

    StNick 4 May 2007, 23:20 (edited 4 May 07, 23:28)


    So, here’s my promised review for More Random Battle Levels by P4ul and Cooba of IC

    The Dismal Palace by Cooba
    When I first opened this level, I was quite disappointed because I don’t really like the castle-set in any variations. But it was fun to play and got a nice feeling.

    Unfortunately, the level has a dead-end down to the left and also some unfunctional heights. Some platforms are just too high to jump on them, even if there are some float-ups near to them. Anyways, I had unexpectedly much fun playing this, it just felt right, and the warps, springs & suckertubes are really well-placed. In my opinion, it’s a nice level for duels!

    Although I don’t like the castle-theme, this level has a great atmosphere (also due to the music). It’s plain sometimes, but it is way more beautiful than other Castle-levels, I think, and you did a really nice job with the background.

    Way too much ammo, especially because this is more like a duel-level due its size, you should reduce the amount at least by half.
    The carrots and PUs are nicely placed.

    +0.2 because you built a level I like with a tileset I hate don’t like.

    Final Rating for “the Dismal Palace”:
    Decent duel level with nice atmosphere!

    Now, let’s have a look at P4ul’s level:

    Cursed Leaves:
    It’s a love/hate-relationship. The first look at this level did really Wow me, unfortunately, the foreground tends to be annoying very fast. The gameplay is still good.

    I really like the gameplay of this level, it’s just “smooth” and all platforms seem to be perfect-placed. I recommend this level for 4 or more rabbits.

    This is really great eyecandy if you just want to look at the level. But it turns out to be very annoying and makes the level unpleasant to play. You should never use those lightnings in the foreground, especially because translucently tiles are only working with hardware-acceleration turned off. You should also decrease the amount of leaves in the foreground.
    I turned low-detail-mode on after a while, because it makes the level way mor comfortable to play.

    A bit too much ammo maybe, but in general, I like it. The carrots and PUs are also well placed in this lvl. I especially like the idea that you have to use bouncers through the wall to get the rf-Pu.
    What I don’t like is that there’s food in this level. YOu can get a sugar-rush, which is just annoying due to it’s music that really doesn’t fit in the level.

    +0.1 for building a level which is great to look at :P

    Final Rating for “Cursed leaves”:
    Wasted potential! You should work on the foreground and make it less annoying. Then this would be a really great lvl!

    Final Rating for “More Random Battle levels”:
    I have seen better of you, but these levels are also definately worth a try.
    Download recommendation? yes!

    2 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    minmay 11 Jul 2006, 16:16

    I shouldn’t rate these without playing them online, and the review system doesn’t let me give it a download recommendation if I do not rate it. Enjoy your delicious N/A.

    As for a real review, I’ll just say that one level has great eyecandy (Cursed Leaves) and one has great gameplay (The Dismal Palace).