Okay, this was much better than your previous level. You remembered to put in more scenery, and make the level a little easier (no areas with hurt events everywhere), which is good. There were a few things the level shouldn’t have had, however. The first, is the room where you die if you choose the wrong warp. Those are pointless and only serve to frustrate the player (especially since he has gotten so far already). It’s nice that you made a larger level this time. Remember to use a variety of scenery, and try to make the level into something more than just random walkways (make it a lab or a space station or something). You also need to add in food or other items so the player doesn’t get bored. Most importantly, you need the make the levels accessible to both Spaz AND Jazz (like the crate that only spaz could jump to). I also liked your use of trigger scenery and animations.
I would simply work on having more variety and less repetition. Make the level challenging, but don’t frustrate the player. You might try using baddies instead of hurt events.
That’s all the suggestions I can give for the moment. Oh, continue to work on youe English. Your level will look more professional with proper English.