Menace to Wonders

  • Rating: 7.2

Reviews and comments

    Janus aka Jahari 7 Aug 2006, 00:10


    Nah, I really disagree. You put a good bit of effort into the pack, but there were several things that annoyed me.

    Eyecandy 3/5
    It could have been better, but you seemed in a rush to get these levels out. Please spend more time adding scenery. Also, you need to work on your English. I couldn’t understand the puzzle on the ice level.

    Gameplay 3/5
    The enemies wern’t really placed anywhere strategically. They were easy to kill and didn’t present much of a challenge. Another thing I had a problem with was all the pits that you couldn’t get out of. You need to warn the player of these or create them so you can see the fire/spikes/whatever just at the edge of your screen when you hold the down key. Nevertheless, it was a decent pack, and not a complete irritant.

    Ammo placement 1/5
    You need to spread the ammo out more so it’s not in such big clumps (along with all other powerups). The blaster powerup made the rest of the levels too easy. I never even had to use the ammo for a puzzle.

    Food placement 3/5
    It was okay, but it would be nice if you actually did something with the food aside from putting it into strings of clumps

    Enemy placement 2/5
    Nothing great. They were all fairly easy to kill and never annoyed me. A big yawn-rating there~


    You need to include the music for your pack in the zip file. I had to search modarchive and j20 for a while to find all the songs I didn’t already have. Assume that someone has just installed jj2 and doesn’t have any extra files.

    Work on your english.

    and uh..

    spend more time on your levels. Make them challenging, but not frustrating. I don’t know why this is becoming such a trend with new levelmakers, but it has to stop.

    1 of 2 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Ischa 11 Aug 2006, 09:17 (edited 11 Aug 06, 11:49)


    Rating Menace to Wonders:

    To start:
    Seven excellent created levels which are considerably long and hard.

    Large levels:
    This episode contains seven levels which is all long and cumbersome. Gus have made the levels beautiful. The enemies and obstakels are well scattered and the eyecandy is also very good.

    No bosses:
    A large pity: Gus have placed no end bosses. A pity with a large P, because Gus creates regular his own end bosses and does that very good. For example: download ‘Flashback: Outta dis World’ and ‘The Game Machine’. In the final levels of them Gus has created his own bosses.

    The levels have been strewn with several puzzles and riddles which you must answer to come further in the level or reveal secrets. All puzzles are not just as easy… with some puzzles I was more than one quarter busy!

    In spite of that there are no end bosses this is nevertheless an excellent episode. I look forward to play his next episode, but Gus… could you please put (selfcreated) end bosses in it?

    Mark: 8,6
    Download recommendation:

    [Rating (8.6) clearance. Why were the enemies and obstacles well scattered? Why were the levels beautiful? You still need to specify the upload’s good sides before rating. ~Cooba]

    They were good placed, because it were not too much and not too less. The level is on that way hard, but not impossible. I always mean that if I say that the Obstacle Placement is good.

    It’s beautiful, because there is a nice background, maybe a good foreground and the path is beautiful. I always mean that if I say that the eyecandy is good.

    But I never write that in my review, because I think that everyone knows when something is good.

    1 of 3 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    SPAZ18 2 Aug 2006, 17:03 (edited 2 Aug 06, 21:01 by Cooba)

    I really enjoyed this.


    EYECANDY: Really nice backgrounds, some fantastic Tilesets used very well. All the levels look great. 10/10

    GAMEPLAY: The levels were quite long. The puzzles made them quite a bit harder. 7 fantastic levels. I’ll go into more detail about the puzzles later. You can also replay the whole pack again to try and find the 21 TNT to access the Bonus Level. 9.5/10

    OBSTACLES/ENEMIES: Lots of obstacles. I especially like the Collapsing scenery in Level 4. Enemies were very well placed. Not too many or too less. I loved the way you used the crates to make it appear as if there were enemies coming out of the crates. 10/10

    PUZZLES: I think all the puzzles were great. I liked them all. My fav puzzle in this pack was the Maze. I love Mazes. I really thought the first puzzle in Level 5 was great, getting the first set of blocks to match the other set. Very well done. 10/10

    MUSIC: I didn’t hear any music in Level 5 & 7 but I did like the music in the other levels. 9/10

    TOTAL: 48.5/50 (9.7)


    Some may not agree with this rating but I like this pack.
    I hope this review is good enough.

    [While I appreciate that you put effort into this review, it certainly lacks support for the given rating. Feel free to rerate, but keep in mind that you need to clarify why is the eyecandy nice or why was the gameplay good. ~Cooba]

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    Rauljazz 13 May 2007, 08:42 (edited 13 May 07, 10:22 by Cooba)

    I write a very short rewiew:
    These are my favourite levels and tilesets but I have a question:
    How to make a DON’T USE IT(blue phantoms)?
    Please wrtite to me the answer!

    [Unsupported rating (9.2) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

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