I want to go describe every room one by one so here goes my review…
The restaurant has some different types of food chosen carefully inculding enough soda. Unlike the kitchen, bathroom’s style is so simple, that you’ll get bored of it and you’ll probably ?eat? something else. Even that, it’s still a normal and sometimes romantic place to eat something. :P
Note: 7.8
What a lame room. I’ve never found this one useful only if someone would have to take a carrot. But still, if they had a hospital, the most hotels would have put only them and some beds. The idea is old and I think there should be more ideas about its creation. Also, some medical cabinets or some kits belong to this tileset and they’re not used here. I however need to increase my rating because of the idea for a second room.
Note: 6
Oh, I had a lot of fun here renaming all the rooms for my friends and changing their styles. All these boards are so great and fun, every room has something different and there is so much place in them. The stairs and warp target placements are also put rightly, making you to descend them insead of boarding. The exits are arranged good, but still they could be closer to the warp target.
Note: 9.3
There are here not enough things to be bought. Some power-ups and free warps will actually change the player’s impression, making him thinking about using them and shooting. Besides, there’s only a way to go (from start to end) and there doesn’t even appear some stairs. It’s too simple.
Note: 3.5
Another room which didn’t suprised me at all. I played some hotels before, and I have seen that sometimes people include a warp for the players who want to ‘‘rob the bank’‘ and a warp target to the so-called ‘Jail’. I find it realistic. Also I prefer gold coins, insead of sliver ones. The good thing of this room is that when you want to get the money, it’s just challenges you to take all of them, making it more provocatie if you use Spaz.
Note: 5.7
A pretty fun room, when you can relax and also play with your friends. The soccer is interactive, the gates are large, so that the ball will enter easier, the pitch spawn is normal and the stairs are preventing the player to hit it. Wall climb is hard, the edges are very crowded so it’ll be more difficult for users to jump. You’ll receive a pretty big prize if you pass. =P I’ll never get what you have to do in the kung fu place. Never had fun there and it could be more interactive if Napoleon had put a no-fire zone there.
Note: 7.3
Wall Climb
Here I had some accidents sometimes, because if you stomp too much in left you and your partner will be moved out of it. That’s the only thing I can comment here, the rest of it looks pretty… normal.
Note: 8
Test, Disco, Quiz… sounds some great places to hang out… The quiz was actually interactive for me, I found some interesting and known things, I passed them all and won the prize. The only problem was that I got confused of warp placements (up, down, up down, down…) or whatever, you could be more exact on them. The test is pretty easy, and I somehow found that the lvl 1 answer with the lvl20 of Napoleon Test? Oo I won’t check which one was made first, but I’ll still decrease the note. Disco has the vital things which are present in one, but still the decor is too simple and you’ll get bored fast, as I did.
Note: 7.3
I’ve never got the real reason why the battles were put in hotels, because as far as I know, hotels are made for the cooperative mode. And also why did you add the ammo there if people can take it from Shops in power ups?
Note: -
Funny, but I would have preferred to replace the water with the scenery one, even if it means that you would have been forced to delete the left part… The trampolines are simple and also fun, but I’d recommend you not to use the highest one, because your head will probably get stuck into the wall. xD Still an event for them would have been better.
Note: 7.7
Final Rating: (7.8+6+9.3+3.5+5.7+7.3+8+7.3+7.7):9=6.96=>7
I think you should download this only if you want to play a hotel, a normal one, with normal and typical things in your server, with your friends. If you want something new and got bored of these tilesets, don’t expect something from this.
Btw, this was my really first long review, please don’t be raw with me or my mistakes. :)
(Fixed the markup a little. Don’t mind me. ~Violet)