Sonic Adventure Mega Tileset

  • Rating: 7.4

Reviews and comments

    SPAZ18 14 Oct 2006, 20:38 (edited 14 Oct 06, 21:07)


    This tileset is OK but it’s not one of the best.

    EYECANDY: There are some drawn Sonic characters in the set which look pretty good. Some of the tiles do look a bit grainy though. The custom food items are cool. 6/10

    LAYOUT: There are quite a lot of tiles in this set, though not as much as Disguise’s Mega Megatropolis and Galavant’s Miracle of Sun. 7/10

    EASE OF USE & USEFULNESS: It is quite easy to use but I don’t think this would be one of the sets that would be used that much. It wouldn’t really be that useful in making a level pack unless you intend to make a Sonic level. EOU SCORE = 5/5 USEFULLNESS SCORE = 2/5. TOTAL = 7/10

    TOTAL: 20/30 (6.6666666666666666666666666666667)
    Rounded to 6.7

    DR: N/A (Yes requires 7)

    GRADE: D – OK

    IMO, I don’t think this is worth an 8 but it’s a good try though. Try not to make the tiles look too grainy.

    Edited to correct maths errors.

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    chet208 14 Oct 2006, 19:47 (edited 14 Oct 06, 19:53)


    OK, First of all i never did play sonic.


    Eyecandy: There was some cheesy aminations but there was Almost no tile bugs.Rating:8

    Gameplay: there was lots of game play and things to get through ( Jumping around hoping you don’t fall) Rating :7.5

    Music: Thats funny, i never heard any music. rating: 1

    items: you used a good seletion of items. Rating:9

    The levels: it was a new Way of playing jj2. The levels were short and long. Short if you Jump around. Long if you stay on the ground. Rating: 9.2

    Over all: 6.9 Rounded to 7. The levels was good And made sense.


    Amination: theres lots of amintaion.

    Use full ness. This tile set is pretty useless (unless you want to make a sonic level). rating: 7

    Tiles: It has every thing you need to make a level BUT signs. rating:9

    Over all:The tile set is big And has plenty of tiles. The tile set is Good for lots of stuff.
    Rating: 8.5

    Overall of overall rating:7.75 rounded to 8. good tileset!

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