I saw nemerous Tile bugs every where.
Eyecandy:i saw Not much eyecandy gliches but theres this 1 part which looks just plain ugly. Rating:5.5
Usefullness: this level is rather useless. i don’t see how some one could use a hotel on jj2 anyways.Mayby make a Hotel That was invaded with badguys and they took the hotel people hostage and you have to rescue them. Rating: 4
Bugs: there was no problems that i discoverd.( other than tile bugs) Rating: 7
Good hotel?: Nope, the hotel is small and randomly placed things. Rating:3
Over all rating: 4.875 rounded too 5
Final comment: try again make a bigger hotel and mayby make it invaded with bad guys like i said under usefull ness.
when u dont like hotel levels why u reviewed it?
[Admin response: Because people have the right to review everything here, whether they like it or not. ~Cooba]
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This yet another hotel level. Arrgh!!
I hate hotels. They are just so….boring.
The eyecandy was pretty good, suprisingly for a first level.
Just the same old hotel with the same old random tiles and pickups just randomly placed.
Not really.
There was one place where I couldn’t get out of.
19/40 = 4.8
Well, at least this is better than Bunny Hotel by andyjackrabbit.
[Unsupported rating (4.8) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. Writing one sentence in each category doesn\‘t suffice. Please start making longer reasons for your ratings. – Cooba]