This was the same standard as your last level.Hve you showed any inprovment at all? sigh………..
EYECANDY-Where is it?Yeah, there were a few pipes, but that was it!You really need to put more effort into your eyecandy.This is really dissapointing.Also the way you put the tiles together just made it look ugly.1/10.
AMMO-OK.There was a fair amount of it and it was spaced out OK.It’s a shame that OK isn’t good enough.You could put a bit more in.4/10.
SIZE-Nooooooooooo!!!!How much empty space did you leave?!!This is ridiculous!!Why,oh why?? 1/10.
SCORE-This is one of the lowest scores I have ever given to a battle level.Your score is 2.0.I am sorry.Please take this review into your head.No download reccomendation.
30 Oct 2006, 23:30 (edited 30 Oct 06, 23:32)
I think your Hotel level had better eyecandy.
Eyecandy- THe eye candy was bad. There was tile bugs every where. The Tiles where just messed up. It just didn’t look right Score-1
placements- THe Ammo Was placed okay but i think it was lacking in ammo, but Yes There was lots of ammo but it was placed in Almost 1 spot. THe ammo is also placed un evenly. score-2.5
Size- THe level is a fair size but you could have used up the space more wisely. THere was empty spaces every where.score-2.5
gameplay- THe level offers little game play. There should be more Start points so People can’t Spawn camp.score-1.5
TOTAL SCORE-1.875 rounded to 2.0
jonidon, you should try again. And this time try to make your eyecandy like other high scoring levels (I don’t mean copy them)