How does this get rated higher then virtually every tileset (read: TILESET, meaning something actually DRAWN by the author instead of ripped tiles/palette changes) when the author hardly drew anything at all here?
Anyways, the tiles have been reorganized here quite a bit. I never really had too much of a problem with the original layout of damn, but a lot of things (such as slopes) are grouped together for convenience. Others, like the dead tree thing and the bridge are scrambled up and were easier to use in the original :/. There’s also a lot of free tiles left in various places, which could’ve been filled in with something. You also removed some tiles (a version of the sideways spikes), which you shouldn’t be doing when you’re making improved versions of tilesets unless you’re low on room or something, which you’re not.
A noticable amount of tiles were added (such as a warpable backround, gargoyles, and the inferno bg tree), however pretty much all of them were ripped from one place or another (some from even non-custom sets like the cave tiles p4ul made for inferno2.0). Useful tiles such as a larger variety of destructable blocks, upside down poles, hooks and rain were also copied in from one place or another.
Masking in the set was also improved, which is nice. Vines are now usable in damn and a few things are smoother. I don’t know why you kept the backround (both the original and the warpable) completely masked though, but whatever.
There’s quite a bit of palette versions here. They look good for the most part, but the Dark edit might be a bit too dark and the forest version hurts my eyes a bit (why do you need a forest version for damn nation…?). The hot version looks awesome, though.
Overall, this is an improvement on the original. However, a 9.5? The author hardly drew anything in this set, just copied and moved around some tiles, and this is rated around the same as things like Swamps and Egypt? I do like this, and I am planning on eventually using it, but I do think it’s horribly overrated.
Nevertheless, it’s still a good edit, and I’ve seen some nice levels with it already. Download reccomended.