Magma Mindset

  • Rating: 7.8

Reviews and comments

    Technopauluz 2 Jan 2007, 18:52 (edited 2 Jan 07, 18:53)


    Ill dont give away high ratings all the time but this one deserves one :D
    Its Beauteful!

    WoW, that was good! Great layer work and very nice eyecandy. I now its a lot easyer to make a nice looking level with a great looking tileset but u did show it ;)10/10

    The weapon placement and the size of the battle are very good; some food here, upgrate there…
    There are some “little” things that can be inproved:
    - 21,4 35,4 just remove that vine event you can become stuck there if u jump in the vine at the ends. Other vines have this to…
    - 127,38 its nicer to place the sucker tube 1 tile lower so if some one is chasing u to kick ur ass u can run in the tube and wait to kill em with the RF missile upgrate :P u must remove some ground to fix this but u wont see anything bad looking beqause forground layer 3 hide it.. Its a idea for the suckertube above aswell…
    - maybe u can make some of the bridges more one way. 9/10

    Fun Factor:
    Yeah!, i can play this battle a lot of time before this will get bored… 10/10

    And than i am looking to special effects that effect the game. But that didnt suprise me here. N/A

    First impression; Wheeeee!! than Omg :P
    Its not my most favorit style but its fitting & sounding perfect in this battle and give it a evil satanistic tint :D 9/10

    This is one of the battles where i can learning from to make my battles even better :D Horay for experience!
    A Fat 8.7 for u and a place in my favorite levels map :P

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    Bluespaz7 7 Jan 2007, 10:52 (edited 7 Jan 07, 21:05)


    If there was an award for the most overated upload of the front page,this would win.Honestly,8.7? Its worth a bit less than that.BTW,I’m not saying that this is a bad battle level,but I’m saying that it isn’t worth 8.7.

    EYECANDY-This is a good point about the level. Well,if you don’t examine it properly. There are LOADS of problems about the eyecandy.At pos 34,39,there is an Inferno skeleton tunnel. You put it all on layer3,which makes it look unlike a tunnel. It also looks buggy. There are also small errors in layer4.They are dotted throughout the level. Other than those small errors,all is fine.7/10.

    GAMEPLAY- This is not such a good point about the level. Mostly,the level consists of random platforms. Some of the diagonals are repeated on the slopes, which makes the slope look boring. There is one platform,where it is only diagonals put together to make a slope and underneath that,there is hardly anything. This is a great waste of space. At the top of the slope is a randomly placed power-up. You need to think a bit more about placement of power-ups,and really all the other random platforms.6/10.

    AMMO PLACEMENT- This was an OK part of the level. There isn’t really much to say about the ammo placement,other than it was good and thought about.8/10.

    BUGS- There were a few bugs in the level. At the start of the vines at the top of the level. I need to take off 0.1.

    SCORE- Overall,this was an OK level. Not perfect,but OK. The score for MAGMA MINDSET is 6.9. I hope you will improve on your bad points.

    DR- For now,N/A.

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