Super Jazz Brothers 3 WORLD 1 (1.23)

  • Rating: 5.4

Reviews and comments

    sonicnathan 1 30 May 2007, 19:13


    Ok here we go.

    For a first attempt this is pretty good. Layer 4 looks great as there’s lots of little animations like rotating coins and golden bricks that glamer in the sun. There’s eyecandey in layer 5 that looks good. There’s no tilebugs that I could see. My only complain is that there’s only a background and no foreground. Because of this the levels can be boring to look at times. I have to say the best eyecandey came from the main menu! But still the eyecandey is above average.
    Very good. The levels aren’t linear and there’s lots of secrets in the levels. There’s lots of trigger puzzles and spaz put you in positions were you have to use your ammo carefully. The level revolve around puzzles more than just shooting enemies which is a nice change in pace. Most of the puzzles are finding coins to get to the crate or something like that. Also if you cheat at that you get killed! So don’t use the jjcoins code. The pack is fairly long and the levels are fun to play. one thing that’s bad is in some level once you beat them
    it comes up with an error message saying it can’t find the level. Also the secret level has no tileset to it! Also the level seem empty at times. Also there’s lots of traps. Great gameplay.
    Enemy placement
    Great. There’s not to many enemies and there put in good locations. There is enough to kill somebody but it didn’t kill me because I’m really good at this game. Then enemy choses were good so good enemy placement.
    Pickup Placement
    Bad. In the first couple of levels there no ammo, gems, food or anything in the level except in the bonus areas. The last level has the fixed up with lots of things but that doesn’t cut it. Also in the levels I couldn’t find any carrots. The coins were very well hidden which is good. Also the only ammo was the stuff that you needed to complete the level.

    Did you think this was a good review? Yes/No

    Xander[NB] 26 Feb 2010, 13:05



    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    alexdnk 13 Feb 2007, 15:37 (edited 13 Feb 07, 17:10 by Violet CLM)

    (Rating (7.7) removal. ~Violet)