This level is EC less. About 3 tiles have been used for the ground. Even though only a few were used, this is still tilebug heaven. The pink mist tiles have been used on the non-solid tiles, but they stilhave tilebugs and looks ugly. Look at other levels with this tileset to see how to use it correctly.
This is just a very small rectangular arena with loads of 2×2 platforms placed randomly. There is no proper strategy at all in this level. As stated in the author’s rather vague description, there is no pickups. Why would people not want to use special weapons? If you wanted that to be the case, you should fill the level with No Fire Zone events, to make it street fight, which is basically a battle without any weapons.
This is pretty much a rushed level which is barely playble. Look at the high rated battle levels and see how they are constructed.
OMG! Is this your first Level?!
Dont ask me my friend made it.
If your friend made it,this shouldn’t be uploaded on J2O neither rated.But it’s still bad O.O
5 Apr 2007, 09:34 (edited 5 Apr 07, 10:35 by Cooba)
This level is a mess.
Only one Layer has been used and that is Layer 4. Very few tiles have been used here. Even though such a little amount of tiles has been used, there are still lots tilebugs. There is no background in Layer 8, 7, 6 or 5. Layers 1, 2 & 3 haven’t been used either. The pink background has been placed in Layer 4 which does look messy as that doesn’t tile correctly either. Without a background in Layer 8 the whole level looks a mess.
As PJ7 says there are no weapons or any pickups. This was designed to be one of those weaponless (is that a word?) levels but there are better ones out there available. Try checking them out and see how it’s done. This level is just a very small rectangular shaped arena with some square platforms. “No Fire Zone” events should’ve been used if you want it to be no weapons as the players can still use their Blasters.
TOTAL SCORE = 2/20 (1.0)
RANK: F = Bad
No, because the eyecandy is bad and there is poor gameplay.
1. Try getting your friend to check out JCSRef here: http://www.jazz2online.com/jcsref/
It will tell you how to do various things in JCS.
2. Try including music in the level. Go into Tools and then Level Properties and then type the filename of the music you want in the “Music File” box.
I can’t even open the thing!! Even so. I could throw together a level in 1 hour and get something better than this! Still keep trying. You’ll get the hang of it!
“I did the layers besides 4 for him”
And then all reviews claim no layers except layer 4 were used :D