Unconventional Coffee is a medium/large ctf level that won R3p’s unusual CTF contest. Its not suprising that it won, since it is of very high quality, like you would expect from a level by FireSworD.
When you first play in the level, you should learn the layout really quickly. Being symectrical, the level’s layout isn’t too original, but this one feels different to other layouts in game. I also like the fact that FS took the time to remake the other half of the layout, instead of taking one half, and then flipping it, like a lot of people do. (Like me :P)
Not a single part of the layout here would be useless to gameplay, which is a huge plus in CTF levels.
The flow here is pefect in my opinion. It finds the exact balance between a bad flow and a fully automatic flow. The death pits are very easy to avoid; so its your fault if you make a big mistake and fall, unless an opponent forces you to fall in them, e.g: If they freeze you with Ice while over the pit. In the middle there is a fly carrot that can take you up to one of the bases. You don’t have to take that route; there is another route around the edges of the level, which takes longer, but is usually a lot safer.
One evil tactic is to shoot the fly carrot into the sewers below, so people have to go down to get it, then be ready to pwn them with seekers as they come up.
The placement in this level is very good too. The contest required a level to have many PUs, and this level meets that requirement. There are 5 PUs in this level, which sounds like too many, but the large amount works here. On the left side there are Bouncer and Ice PUs, and on the right side there are Toaster and Pepper spray. The Bouncer/Toaster PUs can become very campy however, but if you fall down and shoot seeks through the entrance to the PU box you can counter it. There is also a Seeker PU in the sewers. Like with the fly carrot, the sewers can be a deadly ambush spot. This level also has 3 carrots, on on each side, and one in the higher middle. The middle carrot is in a room where you need to one of the coin warps on each side of the level. In this room there is an exit on both sides that take you to either team’s base, like in BBlair. I personally think it should be removed because it makes the room slightly too safe from enemy fire, others may disagree. The ammo is placed in nice shapes, instead of boring, overused 2×2 squares. I think there should be more RF ammo, however. There is also some food to fill the level up with events.
The eyecandy in this level is not the best I have seen with this tileset, but it is still very nice. The certainly liked the background, with those very tall buildings that gives the level a more city-like feel, different from other levels with this set. The greyish fade colour for layer 8 also helps this atmosphere, along with the awesome music. The sprite layer EC is not as great, since it is not very original, but is still much better than in the standard Colon levels.
IMO this is one of FS’ best levels. It will certainly get more attention in the future, since it is being played in the JJ2WC3. I could really give this an uber rating like 9 since this isn’t too original, but it is still extremely good. 8.6 is my rating.