6 May 2007, 07:01 (edited 6 May 07, 07:03)
Okay, so this is a new battle level by DarkSonic,
Let’s start with the eyecandy, since it’s easy to talk about that. I especially like the background (layer 6+7). It’s predictable, but not disturbing and it fits the lvl. I see that you used layer 5 much, sometimes in some questionable ways if you ask me. Maybe you could consider the concept of “Less is more” in some areas. I noticed a big difference in quality when you compare the left side of the lvl with the right side (with the left side being much better imo). Dunno why that is, maybe it’s just about taste. The flick lights do add some special athmosphere, but I’m not sure if I like them. Oh well, at least it’s kind of original..
Let’s talk about about the gameplay now. That is definitely the strongest part of this lvl. Getting the seek PU means taking some risk, which is a big plus imo. The carrots are in some weird places, but well spread. Springs are placed fine, flow is okay.
I definitely don’t like the ammo shapes in this lvl (especially the gun 9 and toaster in the center of the lvl) and I don’t like the choise of it either (sorry, but it’s true ;P). As an ‘extra bonus’ you added some purple candy, like the level wasn’t purple/pink/red enough.. You maybe could’ve used the goodies/ammo as some extra eyecandy, since this tileset is really red and some extra colour wouldn’t have hurt the lvl.
The level is 110×70 tiles, but it feels really tiny. That is probably because you used huge platforms, which automatically – at least in this lvl – causes less passages.
Overall the lvl looks a bit, how should I say this.. chaotic, since most things look randomly placed. But the positive thing is that I’m sure it will play fine in some public server.
Download recommendation:
Yeah, it will play well probably.
Good atmosphere
Well spread PU’s/cars
Final rating: 7.0
10 May 2007, 20:32 (edited 12 May 07, 02:25)
Heated Pipelines
It’s been awhile since i’ve reviewed any levels but here goes another >P
This level uses the Lavapolis tileset created by Noka. Let’s just start of by saying I have only seen 2 levels using this tileset, so I wouldn’t normally know what a “great” level with this tileset would be. Anyway, the review;
Gameplay: Lets see, the level runs pretty solid throughout the level. At certain points, like where the Rf position if located, that blue spring is unnecessary. You hit the wall if your not going for the Rf, and, well you get the point. At certain times, it seems that all i’m ever experiencing is the springs. You could of used something else, like some lava eyecandy, then put a float up there. You get the idea.
Eyecandy: Eyecandy in this level is done wonderfully. One problem though is that it seems empty at ceratin points, the left side, is experiencing more of the backround tiles, and so is the right but not as much. In the walls you have certain cracks with eyecandys placed in there. There are also some unique ideas used with the eycandy so that is always good to see.
Ammo/Carrot/Powerup placements: Lets start of with ammo first. First off I see ammo can get pretty empty in some places.What I also see is, there is hardly any Rf ammo, and just the Rf powerup. I also get annoyed with the candies. I would of used, when you go up a spring in the corner, some ammo instead of candy.Powerups…The Rf powerup placement I hate. I’d wish it could maybe be under where the gun9 is placed, then shoot gun9 to get to the Rf. And once again I hate that blue spring. It is just bugged up. As for the bouncy, there is nothing to say. And for the seeker powerup, you’ll have to take a risk on that, since it’s a dead end. Lastly, the carrots, EW! Horrible placements, except for the one in the top right corner. If I where you I would of put one where the gun 9 is. That would suite me.
Positives: Good eyecandy, playable
Negitives: Bad flow and placements of events.
Score: 7.5/10+9/10+7.5/10=8
[Edit] Ds did reupload the level without me knowing untill now. He has fixed some stuff like adding more ammo and less candy.
5 May 2007, 16:55 (edited 5 May 07, 16:57)
The eyecandy is just brilliant. You have used all kinds of tiles and that is good thing. I didn’t notice any tilebugs and that is good thing also. I like the way you put the flicker lights to this level.
The gameplay is ok. The flow is good and there are nice ammo placement. There are two carrots in this level and that is enough. Springs and PU’s are well placed. It’s nice that you also put some food to this level. Level is small, but that is not very bad thing in my opinion. There are no tubes and warps. I think that you should put them.
Overall nice battle level with perfect eyecandy and nice gameplay. This level is small and not very strategical but it’s still fun to play.
Rating: 8.2
Download Recommendation: Yes
Well, a few comments:
First, the flow is not bad in my opinion. Maybe because you bump against the wall for the RF PU, I could have found another place for that though.. I have to agree there. But you can move around well on other places. Also, Hitch, I don’t know if you downloaded the new version of the level with more ammo and less candies.
Anyway, this level might have been a bit too much like a CTF level. After seeing other levels for the contest, particularly The Warden Woods and Foreign Country which are the two levels that have the most chance in my opinion, I learned some stuff about Battle levels and their layouts.