Shade wanted me to review this through exchange and it took me a while to get to it, and I’m still the first reviewer? ;o
This is a simple concept of exploring and falling deeper into a chasm…as does the level design quality.
Just kidding!
It’s actually not that bad and the design of Dark Passage looked promising, however as with all theese levels they are just too short and easy. A good concept and story but pooly executed, I’m sorry.
The bosses were obviously set up in ways the author intended to make difficult but no apparent thought into doing it creatively, not to mention the difficulty of the boss fights and the usual gameplay are so distant. The second layer (abyss4) had an incredibly annoying foreground concept that just wasn’t fun and I thought to myself “why do I have to play through this if I am not enjoying myself?” and just left.
I really like the theme but the gameplay wasn’t fun and the creativity ended at the overall concept. Don’t feel discouraged though, I am looking forward to the implied sequel and I hope my review didn’t kill the chance of it, but you better put a lot more effort into it, this was just a disappointment.
You probably already know this but if you notice other packs like EvilMike’s ‘The Rebirth of Evil’ you’ll notice how sp levels are supposed to be made and you should take that as an example.