I think i have seen this tileset, or parts of it before, and I like it, apart from the name which sucks…
Besides all that its pretty good and I found it easy enough to use.
Keep it up Disguise!
My first tileset released to the public. To be precise, this is my fourth tileset and the first I made with Paint Shop Pro. People made quite a big fuss about it when released, and even a long time after I released it (and long time after releasing other tilesets of mine) people still told me this was their favourite. I don’t know why, but I disagree, right now I can’t exactly say which tileset is my favourite, but it definitley isn’t this one!
Oh well, the tileset includes a small battle level (as an example) to hsow you some of the features. Hope you like it!
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Ultimate World | 2.02 kB |
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Ultimate World | 47.56 kB |
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I think i have seen this tileset, or parts of it before, and I like it, apart from the name which sucks…
Besides all that its pretty good and I found it easy enough to use.
Keep it up Disguise!
Good tileset. It’s not a difficult tileset, but a good one.
~There are nive tiles too make a background or somethin’
~Bad name.
~good eyecandy
It’s a nice tileset too use.
hmm……….7.5 points I think…..Yup, here you have 7.5 points from me.
Everybody: Download this tileset ;)
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
WoW Nice tileset Disguise
The level is Cool
I always liked jou`r Styl of level making
Great lvl and Tileset
Can we expect More Great lvl`s and tilesets from jou ?
Download ? Yes
BtW can jou give me some Tileset Making Tips ?[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
Okiedokie, Basicly most of the ground tiles are the same but just in another color. It also has some quite nice oportunities like letting meteors fall out of the sky, you can do about everything.. Even the background fits good to most situations.
Fine job done a long time ago. Thumbs up
I remember this tileset from J2C i think. Anyways, “Ultimate World” offers 290 good looking tiles: platforms, walls, vines, flowers, signs, clouds, bones, fire (the tileset includes elements of both, heaven and h-e-l-l) and a background to name some examples.
The overall look is a bit “self-drawn” in my opinion but hey, it was his first public release :-)
Disguise also included a small example battle map. South african style, do i have to say more? (it’s a tad bit small though ;-)
By the way, you can find another nice level using this tileset in “Distruct’s Pack” by Distruct, here at J2O.
To sum it up, i really RECOMMEND “Ultimate World” as a MUST DOWNLOAD for all tileset fans (and not only them). It’s easy to use and i’m convinced all you talented artists can make great levels of out it! Disguise for president!!! (let’s say King since he seems to be in goody ole England now :-).
Ultimate sounds a bit 2 good. It’s standard and it lacks of detailed stuff (A coloured bar for a suckertube for example)
Not much possibilities for layer use, but a tileset which is easy to use and provides enuf to make an adequate lvl.
U could download this, but it’s not a must-have.
Hehe, this is really the “Disguide style”. The tileset has everything what a tileset needs, and some other stuff.
The color is great, and the tileset has some cool animations.
Soem tiles are maybe not detailed enogh, but that doesn’t really matter. I like the tileset.
Downlaod recommendation, 7.5.
Sadly to say, i didnt like this as much as most of you. The backround is good, but the settings…..I really dun like the fire place, the water is ok, but still not good. The grassy place is the best, for it looks normal and detailed. I really cant say this deserves a download reccomendation, and it got a 7 because i just dont see much wrong with it except the bacround and sutff.
It is textured ok, and lacks detail, like i said before, and that is mainly the reason i dont like it much. I only reccomed this with ppl with a different opinion, or just all-out disguise fans.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.