Ok, Ill review it:P
This level has a nice flow mostly thanks to the tubes and warps which meet you mostly when you need them. In this level, you can’t possibly get from the bottom to the top of the levels without going with the tubes which are at both sides of the level. This way it is more difficult for a CTF level to get where you want to get, which is mostly a base or an enemy flagholder. I think therefore this level would have been better if it’s gametype was battle.
The eyecandy is the best bit of your level but there are some black parts at the bottom which make it very dark there. You have used this tileset well even in the time you had. You used many different titles in your level which makes some parts nicely colored.
You put all the power ups and all bases in a diamond shaped thing, which also drops powerups when you pass them. Your tube system has also got a very strong mind as creator, in other words: It is brilliant. Unfortioniatly, when I passed the bouncher power up once (offline) I saw 2 bouncher powerups on top of eachother.
Gameplay: 6.5
Eyecandy: 8
Originality: 7
Final Grade: 7.2
Welcome to xlm fawfull.
Anyways, This is an interesting symetrical ctf level by fawfull, which uses BlurredD’s new tileset, desolation. The level has three powerups, the seeker, the bouncer, and the toaster all placed in similar box type things, which unfortunately promote camping, as they are easily defend-able with the powerups inside of them. The Full energy carrot’s placement promotes more camping unfortunately, as it is right ontop of the seeker powerup. Despite the campability of this level, the gameplay is still rather sound. The author makes use of a rather large sucker tube for transportation from one side of the level to the other; a novel idea, but it can be somewhat confusing at times. The amount of ammo in this level was fine, but the proportions were abit off. There was an unfortunate lack of toaster ammo, making it slightly biased against the red team. Another issue with the ammo was the excess of RF ammo; due to the design of the level RFs become somewhat useless in most of the level. Visually the level is okay, in some places such as the bottom area it gets rather bland. The center and sides of the level could also use more variation. This level does show that the tileset is indeed a very difficult one to master.
All in all this level is just an average ctf level, worth an occasional play.
17 Dec 2007, 22:19 (edited 18 Dec 07, 12:59 by Cooba)
Very good level Faw for a such little time.
[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see \Review Rules\. – Cooba]