not ver good lvl
[Review changed to quick review. ~cooba]
This level is not as a succes as your previous, if talking about the gameplay. There is a too large gap between your titles, which means you can only get higher in this level with the use of springs. Your level consist out of too many little platforms in which you cannot do anything else than just run. You could try to place some sucer tubes there and therefore at least connect them with eachother.
As mostly, you didn’t fail with your eyecandy. I think you had a lot of work with that, way more than with your gameplay. Your background is the best part of your level, though I miss some more decoration in layer 4 and the foreground.
You used swinging poles at the low sides of you level to get up. That is the only thing that can be classified as original, there isn’t anything you can do here, except run, there are no obstalces or things to seek shelter.
Gameplay: 4
Eyecandy: 7
Originality: 4
Final Grade: 5