This small level allows you not to move up easily by yourself. To do that efficiently, you need to use vertical vines or springs. You could make your level a bit less straight and blocky and make less platforms, in order to increase the flow. Your foregroundlayer-titlescreen is nice but also makes you not able to see the entire level and makes it harder to play.
Apart from some titlebugs you used your layer4-eyecandy well, however you made the titles of the background the same of those of the foreground which is very confusing. You didn’t had to, as there are more titles you could have used.
You used the vertical vines well, it was an original idea, though this level has no more original things apart from that. This level is just of a too low level to play it online intensively.
Gameplay: 4,5
Eyecandy: 5,5
Originality: 5
Final Grade: 5