Emerald Forest CTF

  • Rating: 7.5

Reviews and comments

    Puffie40 19 Apr 2008, 13:26 (edited 19 Apr 08, 13:29)


    While I am not a heavy CTF player, I believe these are pretty good levels.

    Emerald Forest gives you two versions of the same level: Evening and night. I will talk about them both in general.

    The layout is symmetrical for both bases (Some might like this point in a CTF game – Others may not), with a central “Gateway” between the two. The level is easy to navigate. Once I got used to the level , I never felt lost.

    Eyecandy is good, with lots of places for the eye to wander. The rain is a nice touch, and it add atmosphere to the level.

    I think birdie is somewhat right about the music selection for one level. The first Emerald Forest (aws_Cave.xm) made the first level very enjoyable and completed the atmosphere of the level, which was at night. The evening level (mikko56.s3m) Seemed to lack the atmosphere, and not fit the mood created in the first level.

    Overall, I liked the level, and think this would make a decent CTF for any server. Recommended.

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    cooba 23 Apr 2008, 20:16 (edited 23 Apr 08, 20:17)

    “Those of you who think the music does not fit” are usually right and you should listen to people’s advice rather than point them the door out.