
  • Rating: 5.5

Reviews and comments

    LittleFreak 13 May 2008, 15:43 (edited 13 May 08, 15:50)


    “Strange” is probably the most fitting levelname I have read in a while. The level is exactly that, just plain weird. Though it’s at times strange in an entertaining way, that doesn’t take away from the fact that the level doesn’t make sense.

    The layout is completely non-linear, you can go wherever you want through lots of corridors, hidden passages and warps where you don’t expect them. Each area contains something different. There are rapidly fast-moving spike balls, a water pit with fish in it, some rooms with warps that you seem to be trapped in, random platforms and an airboard that does absolutely nothing (you loose it if you fly up, and going down is faster falling than flying). The only thing that holds the level together are numerous text signs scattered throughout, that, for the most part, are absolute nonsense. You’ll read lines like “Door for toilet. It think only, there is a darkly place. It don’t drown in water.” or “My nose is prettiest than your.” Apart from the fact that no one on earth has a more well-formed and beautiful nose than I do, I’m really not quite sure if those text strings want to tell me anything or are just random junk. Probably some of both.

    After exploring for a while and doing some random stuff I found the exit, which was, however, blocked off by two lines of trigger blocks. At least I finally found out what the four crates I trashed earlier did. So I went and, after searching through some more useless rooms with nothing significant in them, busted the other two, and finished the level.

    Well, overall, the level feels like some kind of “Let’s fool around with the editor and write up some nonsense” approach was applied to it when it was designed. And while I found it rather amusing at times, that is not because the level is any good, but because it seems like it was purposefully made stupid.

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    Kubabuba 13 May 2008, 21:19

    This level must be stupid, this is “strange” and logic :D I make textes for fun – my english is not good, I’m from Poland. Thank you for review and please you and other for commenting my second level – Paulanoulous. He is better (for me) and not strange how this :)