1 Jul 2008, 18:08 (edited 2 Jul 08, 05:51)
EDIT- In that case PT32, I’m expecting a good amount of updates in a short amount of time. Also, and this may sound crazy, but theres a menu in the jazz2.exe that most people tend to choose levels from. It’s more userfriendly to just let people select levels from the menu instead of making them open passworded levels in JCS (which doesn’t give players the benefit of difficulty or character choice)
After spending the 10-20 minutes it takes to download and properly install Jackpack, you’d think that I’d be able to play the levels released for the friggin’ Jack Pack. Its been two releases so far and this still is not the case.
Considering these levels are intended for Jackpack, its more than a little frustrating that its impossible to play these levels in Jackpack without dragging over the Homecooked Levels episode and modifying the first level in each release’s properties. This is made more frustrating by the slowness of releases, meager level selection in said releases and the random level choice in each release. Odds are that theres a 1:16 chance the next release will be something playable (I.E. Diamondus levels), add on a release date of about a month between releases and we’re looking the prospect of having to go over a year before levels in Jackpack are actually playable. For watered down versions of JJ1 levels, this honestly just doesn’t feel worth it.
Since these levels cannot work in Jackpack as intended, I feel that this pack cannot garner more than a 1.
1 Jul 2008, 18:00 (edited 1 Jul 08, 18:03)
If I wanted to play a JJ1 level, I’d go play JJ1 instead of downloading a “Jackpack”, spending an hour trying to figure out what the hell is it and what am I supposed to do with it, only to find out I have to look for the tileset myself in order to play a carbon copy of a JJ1 level. Most of people here have played JJ1 at some point or another, they’ve seen how do the enemies look like, and they’ve heard the Fanolint theme themselves, so tell me: what is the point of this?
no offense, but lately this irritates me as hell.
you can figure out what i mean.
wavs don’t run in jj2, and just don’t give higher ratings for musics.
level is not very fun. actually a whole copy. i don’t get the point, if i want to play this is will play jj1 instead.
i don’t see myself playing this, since i don’t get the point why i should.
1 Jul 2008, 17:30 (edited 1 Jul 08, 17:56 by cooba)
Yes this is true. I tested this level and I didn’t find other way,how miss this bug!
Levels are very good(in Poland we say:“Zajebiste” ;D)
I given PT32 8.2 earlier when I tested this,but for wav. format of music I’ll give him 8.5.
I could give him the higher rate but some animations are to slow. In JJ1 they animations were faster.
And one thing yet,which I said earlier about passowrds. Without passowrd other users will see,how hard you worked on this level.
Considering that this tileset is pure garbage, you did a good job. It looks like it did in Jazz 1. I say give it a download if you want to see a decent level made out of a bad tileset. I’ll say N/A for now as I’m not sure what to think.
1 Jul 2008, 23:06 (edited 10 Sep 08, 17:25)
the reason for the delay was that I had already used up my upload limit for june.
Use the TSF editor, if you don’t want to play them in order [surely you had the sets before this?!]. If I can figure out a way to make save-and-run work for jp, I will notify you and update the file.
EDIT-Well, I guess I’ll just do that then. I don’t know why I created a separate directory, maybe cause my homecookedlevels list takes 2 minutes to load because there’s so much on it, and I wanted to make it go quicker, but yeah. I will definitely update the concept I had.
EDIT-Faw, I am currently working on an updated version of the level. Better set, it should be a dramatic improvement. This level does need work. But I am very busy now that school is going, so don’t anybody get mad at a late arrival time for levels. I am also currently working on Turtemple, the up-and-coming release, helping OLOELO bigtime on his project, working on the new Fanolint, and trying to squeeze a battlepack in the spare time. So don’t get all huffy.