Gothic Cathedral

  • Rating: 9.3

Reviews and comments

    Lark 23 Jul 2008, 00:18


    Quick review.. I was pretty surprised by how this tileset turned out, everything looks really nice. While this isn’t the most versatile tileset, what is included just looks really nice.

    The graphcis style here isn’t at all realistic looking, and at the same time, it’s not entirely cartoony, either. I think this is the perfect environment for JJ2, to be honest, because that’s how all the sprites were drawn, and that’s what I like about this tileset the most.. everything just fits, you can place any event in the level and it just looks at home.

    I’d say the name of this tileset is somewhat misleading. Here we have a cathedral of sorts. But it’s not like all depressing and gothic or anything. Everything here looks very cheery and upbeat. The tileset has plenty of arches, alters, statues, brick structures and such that give it a very.. I dunno the word.. churchy.. cathedrally.. feeling.. but it’s not like medieval or anything. It has a very modern feel to it, which I really like a lot, because you don’t see that too often mixed with cathedrals. It just looks really nice. And pleasant. I’d say pleasant is the perfect word to describe this tileset.

    As for masking and other miscellaneous things, I saw no real problems.

    My complaints and suggestions for improvement, well, first of all, I would’ve loved to see some more versatility (is that a word?). Being able to run outside in between buildings would be great, even if you just added some grass here and there, it’d be enough. Also, I would’ve liked to see pole events (well, just the psych pole) work, but that’s okay, nobody really uses them anyway. Oh, and flower pots. I dunno, the flowers and all look like they’re just kinda floating there, it’d be nice if they had some nice pots to go into. There’s no textured background in this tileset, but that’s alright; the background that’s there fits very well.

    My final and biggest complaint is the lack of color. Everything’s just brown and green; you seem to have a lot of talent and creativity, so put that to work with colors the next time!

    Overall I’d give this a download reccomendation, to check it out, if not make a fun little battle level or something with it.


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    Sasik 23 Jul 2008, 16:12 (edited 24 Jul 08, 13:18)


    This is great, well done tileset. Looking at it makes me somehow feel happy. Kepp up the good work, Gal ;)
    However, I’d like to see more latin sentences in the set, which could make it looking more ‘medievaly’.
    I saw just 2 of them in TSF version (1.23 has only one). Too bad you wrote one of them with many grammar errors :(

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    FireSworD 24 Jul 2008, 02:19 (edited 24 Jul 08, 12:40)


    The drawing style is like townhouse. Unfortunately, the usability is also like townhouse. While the set contains lots of creativity I don’t see many ways to use the set creatively.

    On closer inspection, the leaves could’ve been drawn way better, but the overall look of the set is great.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Bluespaz7 24 Jul 2008, 15:08


    Wow, thats all I can say.
    You’ve made a tileset that looks good and is easy to use! :) DR definately :)

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    PT32 26 Jul 2008, 13:38


    Very nice level! I liked all the details like the buttresses [as EM said], the architecture and whatnot. Good job!

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    Unhit 6 Aug 2008, 10:50 (edited 9 Nov 08, 18:26)


    I’m lovin’ it!

    //e: rating changed from 9.7 to 9.2 after i worked with the tileset. it’s still really awesome, but working with it is really unhandy.

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    Neo--> 23 Aug 2008, 14:42


    Very Nice Tilesett!

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    darkyb 30 Aug 2008, 08:26


    Very cool tileset ;)
    With this tileset can be done very good lvl’s.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Galana 24 Jan 2009, 16:46 (edited 24 Jan 09, 20:36 by cooba)


    Yay, my 1st “long” review :)

    All tiles are perfectly done. This tileset can bring us at medieval times.
    I can’t say more about it, because it shocked me.

    This tileset looks realistic, so I rate it 10 (I love gothic things <33)
    Download recommendation: YES, OF COURSE!

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    SR iR 21 Feb 2009, 22:38


    Never seen something so great before, really good job!

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    Napo-Leon 10 Jul 2009, 16:05


    i likey :) a lot :P gr8 eyecandy at least. gj

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    Duke 15 Oct 2011, 21:49


    Damn this is good, I love it (and by the way im not catholic). This is a perfect tileset. Very good job man.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    DennisKainz 2 Sep 2008, 09:24

    The screenshots tpeak themselves. This tileset RULES!!!
    I can’t resist the temptation of downloading!

    _DoDges iR 24 Jul 2008, 16:50

    Lark, You revealed Your huge unawareness… You haven’t any erudition about gothic architecture. I recommend for You that site ->
    Read about gothic, and get back here =p

    Btw: I made CTF level, and conversion that tileset’s to 1.23 version. Galavant forgot tell about it 8)

    Btw2: Lark, that wasn’t Quick Review…

    0 of 4 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No