The Old Hause

  • Rating: 7

Reviews and comments

    PT32 28 Aug 2008, 15:11


    Where to start? Overall, not bad, not bad. Your level was fairly well designed. The concept was good, but the execution, however, was not so. It took me a while to figure out the lieu of the level, and all the ill-placed lighting didn’t help. The music was just fine, it fit the level. However, it did get kind of repetitive after a while. Oh well, I guess that’s the musician’s fault…

    Good tileset, didn’t really find any bugs. Then again, I only played it once, about 5 minutes ago. I do have a beef about the speed block doors. I had a heck of a time trying to figure out how to get in the house, until I discovered by accident how you could ram the doors in. This created more of an “Invade the house and steal its treasures” feel, as opposed to a smash in and battle feel. Some parts of the level were complete dead ends, as I quickly discovered. Each side of the house looked like a flipped version of its counterpart on the other side of the big room. Still, with a couple exceptions, events were placed moderately well, and decent starting spots [decent, I said decent…] could be found. This leads me to give a rating of 6.8, with a higher potential if some things were fixed. Readers, I recommend dl’ing this, because even for its flaws, it’s better then some of the crud being put up these days, and it’s better then my under-construction battlepack.


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    XÐxP 29 Aug 2008, 07:54 (edited 29 Aug 08, 09:30 by cooba)



    [Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    SPAZ18 29 Aug 2008, 09:05


    9.5 is very overrated. The layout is OK but there is no background used in Layers 6 & 7. The house looks nice but the outside of it looks bland.
    The use of Trigger Zones and Speed Destruct Scenery on the doors is cool.
    However, there is not really enough ammo here and there aren’t any Power-Ups.
    5 because it’s not bad, but needs improvement.

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    FawFul 28 Aug 2008, 17:54

    and then knowing i got 0.1 higher..

    darkyb 29 Aug 2008, 05:53

    Hmm this lvl is a bit too dark….
    But overall is not a bad lvl ..
    I will not rate this lvl …

    RedMser 23 May 2010, 15:15

    @SPAZ18: there are 5 power ups!

    OK, Let’s rate this Level…
    First: it looks a bit like SP..
    Second: VERY DARK

    I know, you can do more! Don’t give up, to create new levels!

    I don’t rate this…