…I have chosen to rewrite this review….
Master Sven’s battle level is okay. I did not think it was too terribly stellar, but this is understandably caused by the tileset.
Winter Fallz is a wintery battle level, with a few waterfalls, some trees, snowmen, christmas lights and more. The level is admittedly small, but could be fun as a short 2-minute battle. I am happy to report the apparent absence of any huge bugs, plus the nice music. However, I do take a few issues…
The aforementioned issues
The trees I referenced are quite low-quality. The snow and ground lack any endearing beauty. The snowman is a nice breakup in the level. The level is, simply put, small. Instead of cramming tons of useless weapons into it, MS put a couple PU’s and some clusters of ammo in various places. The carrot is hidden in a warp, which sadly is really easy to camp on.
So to finish this up, I would say that WF is okay. Certainly not perfect, but not much on planet Earth is. No dl, I’m afraid, but it’s up to you, the reader.
Instead of a 2.0, MS’s orig rating, I will raise this to a 3.1, because most of the level’s flaws are not his fault.
Meh…4.1 sounds better. =)