Winter Fallz

  • Rating: 4.1

Reviews and comments

    PT32 10 Nov 2008, 00:28 (edited 12 Nov 08, 19:46)

    4.1Not recommended:

    …I have chosen to rewrite this review….


    Master Sven’s battle level is okay. I did not think it was too terribly stellar, but this is understandably caused by the tileset.


    Winter Fallz is a wintery battle level, with a few waterfalls, some trees, snowmen, christmas lights and more. The level is admittedly small, but could be fun as a short 2-minute battle. I am happy to report the apparent absence of any huge bugs, plus the nice music. However, I do take a few issues…

    The aforementioned issues

    The trees I referenced are quite low-quality. The snow and ground lack any endearing beauty. The snowman is a nice breakup in the level. The level is, simply put, small. Instead of cramming tons of useless weapons into it, MS put a couple PU’s and some clusters of ammo in various places. The carrot is hidden in a warp, which sadly is really easy to camp on.

    So to finish this up, I would say that WF is okay. Certainly not perfect, but not much on planet Earth is. No dl, I’m afraid, but it’s up to you, the reader.
    Instead of a 2.0, MS’s orig rating, I will raise this to a 3.1, because most of the level’s flaws are not his fault.
    Meh…4.1 sounds better. =)

    Did you think this was a good review? Yes/No

    PurpleJazz 3 Nov 2008, 20:45

    Just wondering, is this level an entry for my contest?

    Slaz 9 Nov 2008, 09:34 (edited 9 Nov 08, 09:50 by cooba)

    The level is pretty much alright yeah. No masterpiece, but alright. Actually, the purpose for this review is to ‘normalize’ the overall rating for this level thanks to reviews involving secretive personal attacks, sorry admins lol..

    [what ~cooba]