City of the Sn00zE

  • Rating: 8.5

Reviews and comments

    CrimiClown 23 Jan 2009, 13:01


    City of the Snooze… I’ve seen this a few times. Now, also on behalf of the Review Exchange, I’ll review it.

    Gameplay: Good
    City of the Sn00zE is the kind of level that you could see in all kinds of places; JDC, tournaments, etc. I can see how lots of people could like this level.

    The level is non-symmetrical. In some cases, this could disrupt the balance of the teams. For example, the shortest route from blue to red base could take you a little more than four seconds and requires you to jump once (from base, jump up, run into the warp and land on the base). The Red Base has a warp closeby the base as well, but it’s right below it. Blue only has to hold right and celebrate (sounds like a Sonic game), while right has to make a timed, perfect drop into the warp if they don’t wanna lose speed on the way to base. The Full NRG carrot is also more accessible when you approach from the left, rather than the right (you can jump into it without losing speed from the left, but right-siders will have to slow down).

    The carrots in this level are all accessible with ease. The two +1 Carrots in the level, near the bases, are behind a barrel, but when coming from above, they’re hard to miss. The Full NRG carrot can be found in the middle of the level. As said before, it’s kind of under a ledge, so coming from the right, it’s easy to miss. Then again, if you know that it is there, a simple press on the down button can get you +2HP. ;)

    The level is divided in two “routes”. One of those is the Underground. Down here, there are warps up and the famed Seeker PU. Also, running down here could give you an advantage, as it is not littered with obstacles. The upper route (or actually just everything except the underground) consists of roof-platforms and little tunnels, routes and balconies, all waiting to be walked. For a non-symmetrical level, the platforms are divided in a really nice way and there are only few points that disrupt the flow (i.e. by bumping into the edge of a platform, forcing you to a sudden halt).

    The level is cramped with ammunition for all kinds of guns. Separate from the Bouncer PU above each base, the upper floors also provide a Toaster PU and the Seeker PU, as mentioned before, rests in the underground. The ammo is divided nicely, and there is not too much either.

    This level would be perfect for a 3vs3 or more. Maybe a 2vs2 would work, but the amount of ammo and carrots make for a larger, team based game.

    Atmosphere: very scary how make you it Very nice
    City of the Sn00zE uses the infamous “Colonius” tileset. The set itself has a few tiles missing and a lot of masking errors. Luckily for us (and PJ), Paul fixed those errors and created an improved version of Colon2.

    Given the fact that this set is a pain to work with, we can safely assume that PJ is an experienced level builder. I could not find any tile bugs at all. Not only that, but PJ manages to use almost every tile of the tileset in order to create some very creative eyecandy. For example, the tileset contains an ‘arc’ at the top of it. Most people just use that because it looks nice, but City of the Sn00zE shows us that those can be used more creatively that one could imagine.

    The eyecandy in general is nice. There are VERY few ‘bland’ areas, most of the level is carefully looked after.

    The music is all right. It’s a bit too spacey for this level, if you ask me, but then again, it IS kind of serene and does fit an alley-ish setting. Combined with the yellow-into-purple fade on the background, this actually gives a calming feel in the end.

    Overall: Good
    As PJ stated himself, this is probably his best work as of yet. There is no reason why this level shouldn’t be in your folder.

    Download Recommendation: Yes
    Yes. Simply yes.

    Score: 8.5
    This level is worth an above average score. Treat her with respect.

    5 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Loon 9 Oct 2015, 09:37


    This level is old, but gold. It already is a pain in the ass to create a decent map out of tileset but man you did it! This map suits 3v3’s and upwards. A duel or 2v2 would take quite some time but still works perfect. Download? Yea, you’d better download this oldie!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Tedi 29 Dec 2008, 18:25


    Very Good Level
    Environment is excellent and ammo is well spreaded ammo and pickups.
    Background is good too.
    I d say theres no problem with the level.Its excellent for CTF and i recomend it for CTF players.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.