As I recall there was a jj1diamondus tileset in this level pack. I needed that one…
Some levels were really small like diamondus cave, and I didnt like them.
Screwed CTF was also very small and confusing, and liable to flag bug. I didnt like it.Shine-o-rific land rocked, although the coin limit mauy have been high. EvilMike1, which i am pretty sure is a battle level, has the left side open and it kinda misses out on a lot of things. I didnt like it much, but it was better than some levels in the pack. Diamondus pit wasnt that bad, it was ok. Though Ive seen way better diamondus levels. Diamondus forest, eyecandy was ok, maybe too confusing, and I despised the layout. Desert of death: Tileset not found? :l Some level or something: The eycandy i liked, though it was confusing. The layout wasnt that bad, but the music was missing…Big O: cool tileset, awesome music. Tileset use wasa bit confusing though, so was the layout, which i feel was spaz biased. A bit to many electric cords: Not too bad, though the music was yet again missing.EvilSmile: Lol funny level, but to small, and i feel a greater variety of gems could of been used. I hate this tileset: The level wasnt actually that bad, though I cannot say the same for the tileset…Castle chaos: At first i thought this was a race, then battle. Please include what type of gameplay these levels represent (treasure, CTF etc.) If its battle, there are way to much destruct blocks here. Despite the many little things i despised and even though this sucks compared to some other battle levels, I liked this level. I am strangely addicted to the tileset andthe music was AMAZING! Mikes castle: The left side is completely open, and the layout seriously distrubed me. I didnt like this much. EvilMikes hidden temple: This is one of the few levels I actually liked, though id rate this no more than a 6.. Storm CTF: love the backround and the creative tileset use (though confusing), the layout was still evil though.Cheese is green on tuesday: Not too bad for a race level. Though the springs were annoying, there were to much jagged edges and the passages were to small. Some times it was way to dark as well.(whatever the name of this is, its to long and complicated): Was bettet than the last level. The yoghurt is after me: lol, name fits the level. Th gems are very sparce, a CTF BASE!!!?Wasnt this suppose to be treausre….The temple: I was really frustrated by this and couldnt find a way out. The items=underused and the nemies=ooverused.Bonus level: GASP BONUS =O! I liked this level, it was good, i like these types of levels, they are good. Deserted diamondus: the final level. IT was ok, though could of been much better, as well as much worse.
My final rating: Probably a 5.5. This may seem strict or unfair to you, EvilMike or the admins, but the rating is what I think these levels deserve. Most of them are no more than average, and some are slightly below. I feel EvilMike spend half an hour on some of them, or maybe less. There are many cons in these levels, and I didnt like them. Though there is a lot, quality over quantity ppl. Again, sorry for the strict rating. Ill think Ill give it a 5.7 instead..
[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]