31 Jan 2009, 13:16 (edited 31 Jan 09, 13:17)
Quality NOT quantity makes a good pack!
The eyecandy in this pack (all 60 levels) is VERY repetitive. Everywhere I went I could see tilebugs, buttstomp and destruct blocks used for the ground. I like the way you tried to make a highway or train track out of the Carrotus and Diamondus sets but unfortunately all of those blocks made it look repetitive. The backgrounds are nothing original. Most of the levels have only the backgrounds ripped out of EPIC’s own JJ2 levels. Some levels even look EXACTLY the same but with those ugly blocks thrown in.
The music used in all the levels was very much questionable. Christmas music in a Carrotus level?! Castle music in a Diamondus/Carrotus level?!
After getting through the last 50 levels I find that the eyecandy is just recycled from all the previous levels in this pack.
There was no actual gameplay to speak of in this pack. All I was doing was running left/right and holding Space Bar down ALL THE TIME. After getting the Blaster PU from one of the SEVEN boss levels it gets far too easy. 60 levels is far too many to make.
There were some Secret levels but they were mostly the same. One of them was the original JJ2 secret level with the Bird ripped straight from there. Only differences are the FAST MOVING impossible to dodge Spike Bolls and the ugly buttstomp blocks thrown in again.
Most of the levels were the same ones repeated at least 4-6 times. The Boss Arenas are far too big. Why does the arena have to be like 200 tiles wide for ONE BOSS?!
The “radio electric” level was boring. All I was doing was watching the player just fall down 468 tiles FOUR TIMES through MASSES OF BLUE GEMS and then I bounce staright back through about 20 Blue Springs to the exit.
Gameplay overall was extremely repetitive as I was running, shooting, jumping, stomping and breaking crates for most of these levels.
GEM OVERUSE is the first thing that comes to mind here. I found approximately 18,000 Gems in one of the levels. Food was also too much since I got about 8 Sugar Rushes throughout the whole game.
Ammo was just EVERYWHERE! One level had ALL THE POWER-UPS next to each other so I had every single weapon after that.
In the final level there was 4 Power-Ups and 8 Fast Fires REGENERATING meaning that if you die there you can get your Rapid Fire back again.
First, why is there enemies everywhere in every level? This doesn’t make the levels any better but more frustrating for the player. One of the levels had about 1,000 FLOATING LIZARDS! which is just far too many. I had to JJINV sometimes in some of these levels since the enemy amount was just too much.
The first level was very annoying to play since there were Dragons everywhere you went. Some were hidden in front of flowers and EVEN behind Layer 3 scenery meaning I got hurt without knowing why it happened in the first place. DO NOT place these Dragons on every single one of the platforms since I almost ended up dying for no reason.
Placement is also very bad because some of the enemies were on the EDGE of platforms meaning I got hurt no matter what.
The final boss of this pack was 8 Devans which was just pointless. This doesn’t present any kind of challenge but just makes the boss annoying to defeat.
CALCULATING: (4.8 / 40) * 100 = 12%
FINAL MARK = 1.2/10
With repetitive eyecandy, gameplay and very bad enemy placement I cannot recommend this for download. After playing this episode, I don’t know if I’ll want to play through Episode 2 since it’ll probably be all the same.
I suggest not trying to build a massive level pack but attempt one at a smaller scale of say 2-4? Or try building just one level at a time. Making 60 levels would take at least 2 years!
PHEW! Done after 3,900+ characters!
13 Jul 2009, 14:40 (edited 13 Jul 09, 18:32)
THESE levels got me CRAZY, the counter got crazy as well! I had 3 million and a half points 3504780!!!
I lost my temper here! All the JJ2 music is used on a single type of level: Carrotus.
I don’t recommend it! NEVER!
Rating is 1! Because of the reasons above, the eyecandy is the worst i ever seen, most of the levels are in carrotus, the music!SKIP this one.. Gameplay is mediocre + having LOOTS and lots of ammo and GEMS! In my R1colony which will appear next…. i don’t think i’ll place too many gems!
Sugar rushes? OMG i don’t think there were 8 SR! I even lost the count of that too!At least 12!
And about music… White Hare in Carrotus? Dark groove in Carrotus, FunkyG,Hell Freezes Over, Castle, Jazz Be Damned? I was wondering if you made with Easter, Haunted, Beach Bunny, Colony or Diamondus.
Sorry Cooba… I was just… stressed that’s all
[Please behave and don’t spam exclamation marks ~cooba]
After the first 5 levels, I started too get bored and the levels got crappier. Too many pickups. Average pack. Can’t say a DR.
Edit: I sorry! I just got bored! the story made no sense and the level design got crappy when you started to only use the buttstomp and shot blocks! Sorry but I just like seeing more quality them quantity.
31 Jan 2009, 01:16
This is pathetic. Endless repetitive levels, some with the same name 5-6 times, the same tilesets again and again, a bad concept of eventage, the only good thing I found was that it was playable and it was better than none. Please try a bit harder [its going to be fine with a lot of work. I’ve been working on mine for 2 years. It’ll get there]
Perfect example of how a pack of a few good levels is so much more enjoyable than a pack with several bad ones.
poor him? i think he’s right. i sense a lot of plain layouts and tilebugs. all these maps look they’re done in like 1 hour. and not in weeks (like normally). of course i can’t say it’s a fact, but maybe your maps aren’t that good as you thought.
5 Dec 2010, 04:46 (edited 5 Jul 11, 04:28)
Okay i’m gonna write a better review instead.
The first level was much better
it had eyecandy some turtles and lizards
there were many dragons which were hidden
but there were too many of them.
I almost found millions of gems in this level.
Well other level could be good like the first one though.There are random musics chosen for each level like castle music in carrotus and all that.
There were many levels with buggy places.
Wow many buttstomp blocks and poles every where which look ugly.
The bosses were very hard to beat well JJINV was all I could do
There was many many powerups,fastfires,ammo,etc.
No chance of dying like that though.
Lol just found 1000 lizards in one level.
Lol the first level had eyecandy in small amounts but the other levels had many buggy areas and crapped up eyecandy.
Many levels used carrotus with repeated eyecandy all and on.Buttstomp blocks were created just randomly.
Some of epic’s levels were stolen like:
Tossed Salad.
Frog stomp.
They were just edited with some crapped up eyecandy.
Well here is what I have to say.
Well as everybody says quality not qua
So there were millions of gems and too many level this didn’t show up to be a good pack better luck next time.
Here we go again, someone with no clue what they’re doing…
What we have here is a swarm of badly made levels that all use tilesets and music that came with JJ2, any vehicles are very badly done with mere destruct blocks, the bosses are pathetically done, there’s nothing positive I can say about this, because I’d be lying if I did.
This pack is worthy of no more than a 1.5, anything more than 1.5 is overrating, and I’ve had enough trouble with that.
My advice, work on your skill before uploading anything else. It’s good practice.
sonicnathan 1, Omg 4.5? poor you