22 Feb 2009, 18:21
unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful
22 Feb 2009, 19:42 (edited 23 Feb 09, 21:26)
This is yet another example of how having a great tileset doesn’t make a good level. First off, YOU FORGOT TO INCLUDE THE TILESET!
Did you even load this level in Jazz? The wierd planets in the background make the whole level look distorted. If that’s not bad enough, the tile placement is horrible. Everything is floating in mid are. The tile’s don’t match up that well, the other layers haven’t been touched ether. the waterfalls aren’t animated making them look horrible. Bad eyecandey as it looks like no attempt was made.
I’m not 100% sure how to rate gameplay for races, but I’ll try. When you start, you climb up some stairs that have dragons on them. You then go up a lift where you climb some platforms with seeker ammo. (Why do beginners always use seekers?)After that you have a hard choice. You can ether go up the blue spring into a whole in the roof and risk missing, or go through the much faster suckers. Climb some more steps and that’s one lap. That was about as fun as watching paint dry.
I“m not sure how badly ammo is needed in race, but even if it isn’t it’s pathetic. all there is some seekers that have no delay and a bouncer powerup.
Would I host this?
No. there’s no fun to be had in this race at all. I would have more fun playing sigh the sad beach.
Final score: 3/30
Score: 1
DR? No. Spend more time. there’s no way this has been done in 3 months. (did you place 10 tiles each day?) Look up some help and get some people to test. Also play through the levels yourself and ask yourself, is this fun?
24 Feb 2009, 21:08
u did it for teh lulz
1 Mar 2009, 08:49 (edited 1 Mar 09, 09:38 by cooba)
[Review changed to quick review. lmao – cooba]
This needs LOTS of work. The background used in Layer 8 makes everything appear distorted, use a textured background instead.
The level was also very short and one lap can be completed in less than 10 seconds. The enemies and Coins were not needed.
You also need to vary the tiles used in this level. Do not use just one tile multiple times, try various combinations. Try to also include animations. The waterfalls look bad and unrealistic if they are not animated.
One more thing, do not leave huge empty spaces and do not use just one tile high platforms.
I suggest looking at some JCS tutorials including:
+The help index in JCS itself
+How To JCS –
+JCS Ref –
These two websites (especially How To JCS) are very useful.