• Rating: N/A

Reviews and comments

    Jo Li KMC 25 Mar 2009, 09:54

    Heh. I remember you from VG Music! I also remember listening to your Lagunicus MIDI and going “…huh.” I meant to e-mail you from VG Music and tell you that while your MIDIs are 100% accurate…they’re only accurate as far as playing the PSM/MOD files in an external player. See, some of the files (such as Lagunicus/SongCD8) don’t play correctly outside of the game for whatever reason. So while your MIDIs are accurate in notes and samples, they’re also unfortunately accurate as far as the song errors goes as well!

    Try zipping around the levels and listening to the music in-game if you want to fix your stuff, KDS. Like I said, they’re darned accurate, but not accurate to the in-game music.

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    KDS 26 Mar 2009, 00:29 (edited 26 Mar 09, 00:34)

    Well THanxs to point out my mistake. Please tell me other files via e-mail which have an inaccuracy. But Jazz CD levels have become tough for me as I did not play Jazz for about 3-4 years when I was an expert player. I’ll try to zip through the levels. I think lagunicus is a water level and has some sideffects on the music so the music was to be intended like this externally.

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