Rollercoaster Park

  • Rating: 8.8

Reviews and comments

    CrimiClown 12 Apr 2009, 11:51


    SJ said it all. This set is really versatile and good looking.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    plunK 12 Apr 2009, 19:11


    I absolutely love this set…not only does it easily fit in and work with Jazz, it is unique, fully functional, and i just love it.

    My next map is using this guarenteed.

    Download this

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Jake96 14 Apr 2009, 17:30


    Hmm… Tileset is nice, level is nice.
    Not perfect, but good.
    BTW, I got myself stuck in level, and had to jjfly/nowall out.
    Download recommendation.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Lark 4 May 2009, 01:50


    I mean, this tileset is GOOD and all. But it’s not anywhere near great. It’s a clever idea and a fun tileset, but honestly everything looks kinda dull and ugly. I mean, it’s not bad, don’t get me wrong. I reccomend it for download. But I’m not impressed at all by this.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Unhit 4 May 2009, 10:29


    Mad props for the mask messages (!) :D

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    FawFul 7 May 2009, 14:04 (edited 7 May 09, 14:05)


    the quality is very good. good idea’s but there isn’t any good varation in usability. i can’t think of making my level original from others using this set.

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    ..:NightMare:.. 19 May 2009, 06:49


    Great tileset! Gj

    Download? YES!

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    mortalspaz 17 Jul 2009, 11:36


    6.5 and you love it? Are you sure about it?
    I like it because it’s a good tileset, and the example level was very good had nice eyecandy good gameplay etc.
    My rating is 9.2!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Narsist 3 Jan 2010, 11:04 (edited 3 Jan 10, 11:15 by cooba)


    Very very very very very …….. very very good.

    [Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

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    3NZO 23 Feb 2010, 20:55


    I love creative tilesets.
    This is one of that.
    Good tileset.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    CarrotusCastle 11 Aug 2010, 12:53



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    TreyLina 18 Sep 2013, 14:37


    This tileset is a bit overrated. The quality is decent and all, but it uses too much dithering, and lacks versatility. Some of the colours are close to the rabbit pallette, like the pavement/stony ground and greenery, which could’ve been used for efficiency so you can sneak more colours in, allowing to make it even smoother.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    DBunny 17 Apr 2009, 08:33


    Great tileset!Unique idea!
    Also is very easy to use in lvl’s.I think u was inspired by the Roller Coaster Typhoon game ;D
    Don’t stay down it now!!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    djazz 13 Apr 2009, 17:47


    Great tileset, I love it! You’ve also made a good example level that explains it!
    I will use it in future

    There are some tiny tiny small mask probs, the turtle shell feels too small and the baloons are tricky to get on (need a smaller mask)

    Still really great!

    Download? YES!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Cobra NF 10 Jul 2009, 11:16 (edited 10 Jul 09, 12:57 by cooba)

    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I I AM SOOOOOOO ADDICTED WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [Rating (6.5) clearance. Are you sure about your rating here…? – cooba]