This won’t take long.
Non is given so I won’t rate.
Very boring. All layers are used, but badly. The background is textured but the other stuff is pretty low, making it hard to even notice. The balloons don’t add anything. Layer 4 is very boring with nothing but maybe 5 or five tiles used. Way to lazy. Also the exit sign was facing the wrong way.
Another run left, drop down, end level. Finished in 1 minute or less. There’s some enemies but they don’t add anything. Also at the end, not all the spikes hurt.
Enemy Placement
Just a couple of enemies here and there. once again events that don’t work are used. Not nearly enough to kill me at all. Also, why do you insist on using Blisy bosses place randomly so you have no clue there there?
Non so no points.
Final Score: 3/40
Score: 1
Rank: F
DR? No. Stop spamming the download section with 10 minute made levels. Spend more time on your levels. Look at some tutorials and actually play your levels and ask yourself, am i missing anything? Is this fun? Would I play it again?