Natural Battle

  • Rating: 3.5

Reviews and comments

    Rodrigo_arg 2 Jul 2009, 20:27 (edited 3 Jul 09, 20:00)

    3.5Not recommended:

    I will go by parts:
    The shape of the map is very close, I mean that is not a circle, you enscrrás you waxed. The rest is well done ta.
    Is not finished, ie zanahoraias, for example, do not you put the tip, or go, Why?, The edges are are posts, the big carrot is not end to end, otherwise, the “water” not putting tip to tip, and the earth is repeated again and again.
    The power-up of gun1 is hidden, but I found it just started, but the barrels have a small espacion, only one or Spaz tnt can break them.
    PD: Error in the background.
    PPD: I have to warn that a server lori099 told me jazz2 NOOB! 3.5…

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    mortalspaz 19 Jul 2009, 13:05 (edited 19 Jul 09, 13:20)

    you don’t have to get angry.
    “N00b” has more than just 1 sense:

    Definition 1

    1: Someone who is new to a game, or website, online game, or something.

    2: A “noob” is a person who is new or inexperienced in a subject.

    3: “Noob” is derived from the word ‘new’ .

    4: Noobs are often referred to as n00bs as a sign of disrespect toward them.

    Definition 2:

    Originally an (shortened) insult to newcomers in forums or internet games. It is used in certain places to describe someone who is slightly – err…slow and ditsy. Basically it is used to insult a pesron who makes a stupid comment or somebody who makes many stupid comments.

    Just because she said it(she did?!)that dosen’t mean that you are.
    Think like this: If she did, she maybe didn’t actually knew what she was talking about,and she said it just because it’s a…..- common used word? -..
    And what bug can be in MSPaint?

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