Rainbow Valleys

  • Rating: 7.9

Reviews and comments

    Ktos. 8 Jul 2009, 15:25 (edited 10 Jul 09, 12:51 by cooba)


    Imo its really nice level. Nice music, good places for warps etc. Gameplay is good. Tileset is not bad, but i think that levels where we can change tilesets are not that good. This one where is mostly blue colour is the best. Good level anyway :P

    [Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

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    Galana 8 Jul 2009, 15:47


    Well, another Dodges’s level.

    Four “editions” of the level allows to choose a “favourite” version.
    Small, but nice areas forces to think. Good ammo and power-ups placing (fullNRG’s placing too). Nice warp system ;)
    Eyecandy looks good, I can’t say anything wrong about it (except this small bug with CTF bases).
    The music.. music is pretty good, Rayman 2’s sounds fits with the level.
    I’ve played this, and it’s absolutely playable. I prefer it for smaller games (duels or 2v2s).

    This one is very good. I give this 9.7. Good work, Dodges :-)

    2 of 4 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Angie 7 Jul 2009, 20:35 (edited 28 Dec 09, 13:19)


    Mhm <3
    4 version, and cool music <*Rayman 2 rlz*>
    Easy to learn…
    I can’t give this lvl 10, but mhm… 9,5 xD
    When 2vs2 here? ;D

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    minmay 8 Jul 2009, 00:35


    This level’s passable, I suppose. It has a very simple but balanced layout, without any huge problems.
    My main complaints are twofold: the eyecandy is pretty subpar (the background is basically torn right out of the example level), and the powerups are much too close to each other.
    All in all, though, a playable level.

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    Sebek aka Slayer 8 Jul 2009, 08:42 (edited 10 Jul 09, 12:55 by cooba)


    Nice tileset by Gus, Very playable level in my opinion. waszka g to nasz pan

    [Offtopic nonsense removed ~cooba]

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Napo-Leon 7 Jul 2009, 18:49 (edited 10 Jul 09, 16:16)


    mmmmm so i hate writing long sh*t comments therefore im gonna be a bit fast :P …. the eyecandy is rly nice in my opinion :)…. the placing of the ammo is nice and also their shapes – that “X” shape :)….
    on the other hand… some minor eyceandy bug… is at the base… the bases seam floating in the air…. but its more like a tileset bug… :p

    mmmm another thing which i question is if there are too many warps for such a small lvl :P…. i donno rly xDD..

    its quite a good lvl overall imo…. should try it out sometime in a 2v2 or smt hehe


    @ rag… well no seekers in a lvl… its quite original :P… i bet there is no other lvl which has absolutely no seekers.
    another original thing is the freezing spot to get c.

    also i should finish my lvl XD… even tho i think it sux xD

    1 of 3 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Robee 8 Jul 2009, 14:07 (edited 8 Jul 09, 17:36)


    Well, this is a small level, I think it’s designed for duels or 2v2’s. I think that warps near bases are completely useless and just break the gameplaying of level. These warps in middle are IMO usseless too and warps under bases should be replaced by sucker tubes which are moving player upwards. As minmay said, the powerups are much too close to each other. I suggest place ‘em in the ground making an opportunity to get them using electroblaster. The eyecandy isn’t really good, there’s nothing behind the main layer, only the background. All the clouds in the background are moving in direction where the player is, it’s so unnaturally. As unnaturally as floating bases.

    How could I describe this level in one word? Average. You’ve done this level about 9 hours after tileset release, you shouldn’t be so hasty and wait a bit to make Your level perfect.

    And where can I see a rainbow here? :P

    So You should use less layers to do background. That’s simple. And You didn’t understand what I meant – the warps near bases really break the gameplaying of this level, without that It could be playable level. About eyecandy – after I’ve seen this tileset I won’t agree with that. True levelmaker can do excellent eyecandy using a worse tileset. And making a level isn’t a race, I rate how much effort have you put into making the level.

    And the most important thing – read again more carefully Slayer’s opinion – the review is completely different and quick! So how the hell do you think that my review was based on Slayer’s opinion? I think that’s ridiculous that lots of Your friends are reviewing this level subjectively – probably You convinced them ealier to do that.

    Okay, I know that message is turning that into a random chat/flamewar but I just had to write this.

    2 of 7 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Cobra NF 12 Jul 2009, 02:29 (edited 1 Sep 10, 03:22 by vulman)




    Warps:none I could find.

    Base Placement:Good

    Ammo Placement:Great


    Overall Progress:8.7


    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Dodges. 8 Jul 2009, 15:18 (edited 11 Jul 09, 17:10)

    And where can You see rainbow in Rainbow Hills?

    I couldnt make anything behind the bases because background uses 4 layers. Warps near bases aren;t useless… they take you to the C.

    Eyecandy can’t be so good -> there aren’t so many decorative tiles.

    And You should admire, how fast i made this level :D

    I understand that Slayo is Your best jj2 friend, but if You are reviewing a level, you should depend only on your own mind.


    “So how the hell do you think that my review was based on Slayer’s opinion?”

    Just because yesterday he wanted me back in iR, and today some things happened…

    You wrote that that warps are completly useless.. they aren’t. It wasn’t only about breaking gameplay.

    I didn’t convince them to do that. I will tell You more – You did that.

    About background – It’s tileset’s fault that it uses 4 layers for bg, not mine.

    And levelmaker is better, when he can make his level faster.

    Ok, So levelmaker is worse, when he can make his level faster.

    3 of 4 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    cooba 10 Jul 2009, 12:52

    “And levelmaker is better, when he can make his level faster.”

    That is the most retarded opinion about level design I’ve heard in ages