18 Jul 2009, 13:53 (edited 11 Aug 09, 08:25)
Ummm. Right the review.
I think these 2 levels are more like Lori friendly, not proof.
First the eyecandy is good, there were no tilebugs, I thought that the so called “ghost blocks “ were tilebugs.
Story: The level had no story. Bad thing. Always put a story to your levels,because that makes them interesting.
Tileset use is good, many tiles used this level was more like a maze but it’s good.
Gameplay is nice, you have to find 100 coins (actually 20× 5 coin) and on the way you encounter triggers warps sucker tubes and mostly enemies.
Enemy placement was balanced, but it had a poor type of placement (Lizards Fat Chicks and Tough Turts)
This level is wide and it feels large.
Music is carracteristically for the Town level:
The big problem: No ammo!, some clifs are very dificult to get at even if you are playing with Spaz, no save points(not required) and few carrots.
Level is long,original and it worths playing. It’s fun!
So my rating is 8 with DR!
Finally, a good level!
Using this tileset often can be tricky. However, you actually succeeded in making a good looking level! Everything’s there. Ofcourse, there are missing pieces or bugs. Your mistake was either to use layer 5 for something different than backup from layer 4, or you should have changed the animation on some spots. Some layer 3 bugs also.
The typical enemies can be found in this level. Quite logical.. Their placement is good, but sometimes just not enough enemies.. But, this level wasn’t entirely about enemies! ~Check gameplay. Still, it makes the level just a bit too easy..
I was amazed that this whole level didn’t contain a single piece of ammo. I was also amazed that I didn’t care. The level was more about the gameplay. TBH there weren’t any (or <1) pickups except for the 100 coins you had to collect.
I love it! This is from 2004? You should have released it earlier =P
Nice puzzles, not too many holdups, though there might have been a little bit too much from those stomp blocks. Secret routes, suckertubes, springs, more puzzles. This level is very fun to play!
It’s awesome to see you even spend time to convert the level from english to dutch, just for those people who haven’t it yet! However, the things you write on J2o should be english.. Is ‘Missies’ the real name for the pack you planned, because else you should have called it Missions, no ? ;-) But this wont cost you a nice rating, no!
eyecandy: nice!
enemies: typical, and just a bit too less of em. Makes it too easy.
pickups: poor, but its not about pickups here.
gameplay: great!
Can’t help it to give this a download recommendation and a nice rating.
18 Jul 2009, 14:21
Nicely made, but you could’ve added a few checkpoints to help against the frustrations. I liked it because it was very original.