Can’t think of an introduction so lets get right to the review:
Starting off with the eyecandy, and I found it quite interesting. There is a mixture of blocks and normal carrotus tiles throughout, which was quite creative, but on the other hand, looks quite buggy (in my opinion), especially where insane amounts of blocks are used. It’s not a pretty level, but that doesn’t mean it’s not interesting to look at. There are some jungle tiles used as well in parts of the level, which looked iweirdly good, and I think could have covered more of the level. (I’m never good at reviewing when it comes to eyecandy). Other than that, layers were used well, although there could have been a bit more background eyecandy. There aren’t too many noticable bugs and the auther made good use of the tileset. Overall, I quite liked the eyecandy, apart from the overuseage of blocks.
Now on to the gameplay. The whole level consists of puzzles. There are no enemies (apart from one or two clusters), and not many items. Firstly, the good things: I like the concept of having to be careful with ammo in order to progress, and you have to have certain weapons to pass places. Unfortunately, there were a couple of bugs with this. For example, if you were stupid like me, and got to the second warp challenge with no toaster ammo, and couldn’t unfreeze the spring, there was no way of warping back, so I had to cheat. Secondly, there were too many warp challenges, which were quite fustraiting to get past, and thirdly, too many of the challenges were slow paced, especially the part where you have to get stuck, and then sink to the bottom. In turn, the level didn’t flow very nicely.
Other problems are that the level is too linear, the boss was too easy cause of all the powerups, there could have been more enemies and items and the level was too short. So overall, the gameplay isn’t great, despite some nice concepts.
Music was standard carrotus, and I didn’t see the point of the filing system. Good effort, but it made things a bit too complicated I thought.
DOWNLOAD?: Not sure. There are some good concepts in this level, but I think it still needs to be worked on, and made longer in order to be more fun.