6 Aug 2009, 11:06 (edited 6 Aug 09, 11:36)
Well, this is a level that practically works well. I played a round of 5vs5 here, guessing it wasn’t yet too much for a level of this size. This is a fairly small level, but it’s quite decent anyway.
Not much to say about the eyecandy here, the background feels rather empty, and doesn’t give the player a ‘living’ atmosphere like a level with good background does. There are also some tilebugs that irritate me a bit(See the first screenshot above.) It is far from the best use of Desolation, but I appreciate it at some rate anyway, since sprite layer and foreground look alright.
The gameplay does work well, probably the best for duels, but a 5vs5 here didn’t feel too crowded yet. There are some tricky dead ends here and there. Especially the bottom-middle of the level where an RF-PU spawns. You can get yourself busted over there by your opponent if you’re not careful enough. Also there are some quite random slopes and walls that annoy me. I often found myself jumping past the carrot for example since the flow isn’t actually very wise. Also I’m not sure if the PowerUps should spawn as fast as they do, since they are actually four.
This is a level that can be fun for a couple of times to play. It’s better than DitS, and is actually quite balanced because the semi-symmethric layout. However, I agree with people that Fort Medina is still better, because it just made more sense in every way. Bonus points for the music-choice though. I’d recommend to download and giving it a try anyway. GJ and Go on Napoleon. :P
I really like CTF levels made by Nappy . All of them are full or tricks, have great eyecandy and gameplay!
The PUs’ placement is IMO balanced. 4 PUs [2x Bouncy]. I always liked the idea 2× +1C and 1x full energy. We already played there 2v2 so i know that was fine. The flow is very nice, many sucker tubes, springs, etc. what make it better.
You used this tileset very well. Eyecandy here is amazing. I hope this cherry heart is for me xD. I like those thermometers near bases and the light going out a tube! You placed some transulcent tiles, used layers very well. GJ!
DR? Sure! Go, play it
4 Aug 2009, 12:02 (edited 4 Aug 09, 12:03)
Edits quickreview: Napo has typed the reviews himself in his post. Was going to change my rating to a 7 btw, so good for you ^^
4 Aug 2009, 12:14 (edited 4 Aug 09, 12:26)
temperature 26, at night?! xD
Czech’s spring is very helpful, and accommodation PU pleases me. Llv is good, but imho Fort was better ;D Somehow or other, i give You 8,7 now.
4 Aug 2009, 12:18 (edited 4 Aug 09, 12:19)
i am agreeing with pj. the gameplay was decent but eyecandy has slightly bugs and is too random. i think 9.2 is overrating. new edit it slightly better but ec is still not that great in my opinion ^^.
There are many questionable things to be found in this level. For starters, I absolutely the despise the use of the solid metal in layer 5 which seems to be horribly out of place. Generally the use of Desolation here is very mediocre. The layout was not bad, but generic and the Full NRG is significantly closer to the blue base.
An okay level.
4 Aug 2009, 12:01 (edited 6 Aug 09, 12:26)
mmm ow i managed to retrieve most of d comments ;p: (i removed those which were reposted (A))
Recommended man rated 10.0
I find this lvl great.Napo you did good job ;)..I tested it as a first player(except Napoleon).And it’s fine play in this lvl.
Recommended wadledee rated 6.7
obviously Man is a friend of Napoleon..
The eyecandy is great, but often very confusing..
The balance of the level is not good, the RF pu is closer to Blu and easy to camp-guard, and the carrots are bad placed. They have to fight for it, not get it for free in their base!
imo there is a bit too much ammo, but still, the lvl is fun to play!
Recommended cooldude31 rated 9.0
Recommended_Fox rated 9.5
I fell in love with bases. This is the strongest side of napos level. Oh and eyeceandy is great. GJ Napo ;D
@ waddledee… :D 10x
@ dodges… yes i still give u those cherries ;p :*
@ angie… hah 26 degrees here on a summer night is just heaven XD
@ sj… XD well i still prefer dits idk why xD