“MSPainty” is a good descriptor for the tileset. This is to say that it doesn’t look very good. It is very, very poorly drawn, I am afraid, and this ruins any hope of people using it in a level; therefore, I consider it nigh-useless, but nonetheless offer a three since it at least had a little bit of effort put into it.
22 May 2010, 19:00 (edited 22 May 10, 20:30 by cooba)
first: all the example levels are the same… only small changes!
second: the tileset is not the best.. i think you used paint!
third: if you want to create better tilesets, use programs like GIMP or Paint Shop Pro!
Hope your next tileset is better!
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules. ~cooba]
jail break level:AkajazzJB on jj2+