Alright…. after seeing 11 reviews, and a score of 7.8 for a user I’ve never seen upload anything before I had to check it out. Well boy was I disappointed. This level does not deserve the score that it got, and some user’s scored this ridiculously high. Either they where drunk when they graded this, they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, or they’re insanely basied towards this user. [First review in like, 10 years? :l]
I have to say… for a first level? .. this is pretty decent. To bad I have no sympathy for new creators, and being ‘new’ won’t make your score any greater, or lesser.
The layout is symmetrical, but is very bland. What I mean is, there’s a lot of ‘squared’ off shapes in this level. You made a border vertically and horizontally, basically making a square from point [A] to point [B]. Not only that, but you have a lot of platforms that just get boring, running around after a minute.
..As for gameplay… it could be improved. In on the far ends of the level, the blocks sticking out of the wall get annoying, they aren’t one way, and when you use the springs on the left/right to go up, you hit them and it just gets frustrating. Also at the bottom of the level (left/right sides) there’s some ammo, and then a green spring to lead you up (not making it a dead end) but it just seems cheesy and useless to me.
Eye-candy in this level, is decent, in fact, I think layers 6-7 are better than layer 5… and what’s wrong with that? Layer 5 is used for the more basic add ons to interact with layer 4. And I just wasn’t feeling it.
I would give you some more criticism, but bleed in with the advice I gave you as of now, and come out with another level, that blows me away.
Grade: 5.7 … Download it? Wouldn’t.